Pay off enough politicians, and it doesn’t matter what laws you break. That’s been the story for Big Tech so far. When rabid Muslims/SJWs/black nationalists/feminists/sodomites libel, harass, and make death threats against political or cultural opposition on CommieTube, Twatter or FascistBorg, those companies use the “it’s just a platform and we can’t be held liable for what people say” excuse. But when somebody expresses an opinion those companies don’t like, down comes the censorship hammer, and out the other side of their collective mouth you hear, “Hey, it’s OUR company and we can violate the 1st Amendment any time we want!”
It’s not surprising that the Democrat/Media Machine approves of this carte blanche, since their faithful lemmings are the gatekeepers. It’s nauseating that “libertarians” also swallow this whole. But it’s infuriating that the cucks in Congress (including the ones supposedly “on our side”) have been paid off to insure Big Tech gets to have their cake and eat it, too.

Something very similar happens on Amazon. There’s a lot of monkey business concerning reviews, for instance. If you’re a leftist, you can spend your days in the basement browsing Amazon for authors you disagree with, and dish out one-star “reviews” (now just “ratings,” which makes thought-policing even easier) to books you’ve never read. In fact, you can admit you never read a book, but the Bulldyke Merchant will keep the review up no matter what. However, if you’re on the right, and you criticize the ubiquitous left-wing screeds disguised as literature, even though your review is thoughtful and so detailed that it’s obvious you read the book in question, if some Thought Cop reports it as “abusive,” the Bulldyke Merchant will remove it immediately. I know this because I’ve experienced it all first hand. It’s sad that “social proof” is such a factor in the market, but that’s the conformist age we live in today–and those who hate us hold all the cards. There’s plenty of other monkey business that goes on at Amazon–not just with reviews, and not just with my books. But what can we do about it?
Goolag doesn’t just pilfer your personal information and sell it, they also play a HUGE part in dumbing-down your countrymen, and brainwashing them to accept The Narrative. If you use their search engine, even if what you’re looking for doesn’t seem political, Goolag will pack the search results with hundreds of “credible” (cultural Marxist) sources to ensure you develop the “correct” opinion on the subject. If you’re looking for something specific, but it doesn’t conform to the ideology Goolag approves of, it will do everything it can to make sure you never find it. Sadly, even people on the right trust that rigged search engine. Sadly, the alternatives aren’t much better. And Goolag’s streaming platform will use “hate speech” doublespeak and selectively-enforced copyright to de-platform thought criminals who upload video to CommieTube.
TV news isn’t the effective mind control it used to be, but Big Tech has more than filled its shoes.
Up until now, Congress has been in kahoots with Big Tech. But this story could be evidence that there might at least be some symbolic opposition to all this.
Amazon has been accused by vendors who use its third-party selling services of using private information on those products and their customers to create competing products.
…This is merely the most visible, for now, of a series of practices that Amazon has taken to increase the profits it makes off the 2.5 million third-party sellers who use its services as an online retailer to push their products. The company charges up to $5,000 a month for access to account managers to clear up discrepancies and address platform problems. It requires third-party sellers to purchase ads to guarantee their products are featured at the top of search pages and aggressively markets its brands against those of the third-party sellers it services.
…As a result, about a third of every dollar paid to a third-party seller on Amazon goes back to Amazon in commissions and fees for services. This enabled the retailer to generate $42.7 billion in revenue from third-party sales and sellers, a number that has doubled in the last two years.
As for Google, it recently announced plans to render third-party cookies “obsolete” by 2022 – in the name of “protecting privacy.”
The only way I believe these tech giants will be held accountable is if we replace most of Congress with actual representatives in November. Otherwise…traitors gonna trait.