The People, Not Politicians, Have Legal Authority

Because Professional politicians see it the other way around does not make it true, or right.

Neither a Badge, Nor a 6-Figure Government Paycheck, Give Petty Tyrants the Authority to Violate Your Rights.

For the purpose of Section 242, acts under “color of law” include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within the their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official’s lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials. It is not necessary that the crime be motivated by animus toward the race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin of the victim.

The American system is Rule by Law, not Rule by Men. However, city and state-level petty tyrants are having people arrested, jailed, and fined–not for breaking actual laws (real lawbreakers are being let loose on society); but for violating the emperial edicts of professional politicians.

Under Rule of Law, our public servants, whatever office they hold, are not exempt from the law themselves. They must not only uphold the law, but also obey it just like the barber or restaurant owner on Main Street, USA. These professional politicians (who have been caught breaking their own “rules” that citizens get arrested for) have no authority to issue these decrees that violate your rights (as protected by actual law); no citizen is obligated to obey them; and no court is obligated to enforce them, even though they have “the color of law.”

That some courts are enforcing these illegal orders tells you, quite blatantly, that they are not operating according to the Constitution (which they swear to uphold and which is the law of the land). Their allegiance is actually to something other than the law of our country, and they are operating according to that, instead.

They get away with it because most of the people living here let them. They obediently bend over and drop their pants.

But there is a growing minority who will not bend over, and they are armed. This is why the Cold Civil War might turn hot.

UPDATE: On a California beach, of all places, some people stood up for their right to peaceably assemble (1st Amendment). It would be nice to see patriots unite for the right to go to Church (also 1st Amendment) or conduct business, but maybe this is a start.

Innocent Man Acquitted; Media and Democrats Throw Tantrum

The swamp had to give back one of its scalps, and isn’t happy about it. Evidence of the framing/railroading of Mike Flynn is finally coming to light.

The Democrats’ response is to double down and rely on the brute force of their media dominance to peddle a lie that, if repeated often enough, will be accepted as truth. As the OSS (the CIA’s predecessor in WW II) described Hitler’s use of the Big Lie Strategy:

… “Never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.”

For true justice to occur, those who threatened, lied, blackmailed, perjured, entrapped, and financially ruined an innocent man would have to face the music, now. Unlikely, but we’ll see.

Taxpayers Should Bail Out Blue States to Cover the Cost of Screwing Taxpayers

As we discovered during the Obama Regime, the solution to bankruptcy is to borrow even more money.

“All these blue state governors who don’t want to open their state, now they’re clamoring for federal money to bail them out because no state revenue is coming in. We don’t have any money.”  – Rand Paul

You know what else will help? Giving more millions to Communist China in foreign aid, then borrowing it back from them at interest, while letting ChiComs raid our patent office,  steal our intellectual property; and continue strangling American businesses with more taxes and regulations so they can’t possibly produce or compete.

At this rate, they won’t have to fire a shot to destroy us.

COVID-1984: a Timeline in Memes

The virus breaks out in Wuhan, China–a city of about 11 million people (bigger than the most populated city in the USA). There are two virology labs in Wuhan, which study, experiment on, and modify viruses. For years, scientists have been warning that the sloppy security at one of these labs (the one which develops weapons-grade viruses, and sits at the epicenter of the outbreak), plus the dietary practices of the local population, was a ticking time bomb.

Early whistleblowers warning of the breakout are arrested by Chinese police. Many are never seen or heard from again. One doctor, after being arrested, later was reported dead–allegedly because of the virus. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which controls all human activity in China (and a lot of the MSM and Hollywood messaging you’re inundated with every day), lies about every aspect of the outbreak, including the number of infected and dead. They claim that the virus originated in a “wet market” which doesn’t sell the species of bat the virus supposedly came from, and is located 400 miles from the nearest habitat of those bats. A third of the first victims had no connection, direct or indirect, to the wet market.

“President” (dictator) Xi locks down Wuhan and other cities in China. No travel is permitted from Wuhan to other parts of China, but travel from Wuhan to the rest of the world is allowed to continue unchecked. The virus begins spreading to other countries.

A Chinese traveler brings the virus to the USA. The first American is diagnosed with the Wuhan Virus.

President Trump restricts travel from China. In following days, he restricts travel from other countries. Predictably, the Democrat/Media Machine says he’s overreacting and calls him racist.

Another Chi-Com puppet, the World Health Organization (WHO), regurgitates Chinese propaganda downplaying the seriousness of the outbreak. They also rename it “COVID-19” in a lame attempt to disassociate the virus from the Communist regime it came from.

Leftist judges overrule the travel restrictions, allowing more infected carriers into the USA. Leftist mayors and governors, still upholding the “racist overreaction” narrative, encourage people to attend parades and other mass gatherings like nothing is out of the ordinary.

The Wuhan Virus spreads through the USA. The WHO finally admits that this is a pandemic.

Overnight, the narrative changes: now President Trump didn’t react strongly enough. It’s all his fault. Because racism, somehow. “Black and brown people” are more at risk to the virus. Yeah–that’s it: racism.

Another Chinese Communist puppet, the NBA, suspends the rest of its season. Other sports leagues follow suit. Leftist governors begin illegally shutting down their states. (It’s not just politicians and bureaucrats at the Federal level who have been colluding with the CCP for years, but also governors of both political parties.)

De facto dictators of several states continue showing their true colors.  They forbid church attendance and family gatherings, outlaw random items like paint or carpet, but keep “essential” businesses open–like liquor stores, marijuana shops, and state lottery kiosks. They have people arrested for going to church and synagogue, for playing with their kids in a park, sitting alone on a beach, or criticizing politicians for these illegal police state policies, while releasing convicted felons from prisons and onto the streets.

Gun sales are “non-essential,” of course, so law-abiding citizens are kept defenseless while chaos is being engineered all around them.  Surgeries and other medical procedures are banned, but abortion clinics are declared “essential” and kept open.

The public is told that a collapse of our medical system is imminent and hospitals will be overrun with coronavirus patients; that there’s not enough ventilators, testers or masks, and it’s all Trump’s fault. Meanwhile hospitals are laying off staff and going bankrupt because most of what they do has been declared “non-essential.” Leftist Trump-haters are found to have been wasting or hoarding medical supplies, all while blaming the President for “shortages.”

In a matter of weeks, 30 million Americans lose their jobs–worse than any time ever in history–including the Great Depression. The President and some in Congress sponsor a stimulus bill that includes $1,200 checks for citizens and loans to sustain the small businesses which have been forced to furlough workers and close down.

The Democrats try to sneak in a pay raise for themselves, “aid” to foreign countries and illegal aliens, and more tax dollars to subsidize the abortion industry. They succeed in getting “refugee resettlement,” funding for the Kennedy Center, National Endowment for the Arts, and other pet pork projects, included in the bill. In fact, they refused to pass it until this “compromise” was reached. The Fed, by the way, is favoring “woke capital” with these loans, while dissing small businesses.

While the Democrat/Media Machine is busy hyping the danger of the virus, as justification for the totalitarian crackdown they’ve wanted for a long time (plus wrecking the economy just before an election, protecting their candidate from debates and scrutiny, justifying massive election fraud via mail-in-voting, etc.), they also launch a propaganda campaign against inexpensive, effective treatments for the virus.

Bill Gates, who is on record advocating world population reduction via vaccination (and whose vaccinations have already caused horrible death and suffering in Africa and India) waits in the wings with a vaccination that he hopes his allies in government will make mandatory.

Hospital personnel are pressured to inflate the numbers of coronavirus deaths, to reinforce the narrative that the pandemic is so dangerous that it justifies destroying millions of people’s lives. Citizens are forbidden to get fresh air and sunshine, and kept under “house arrest” in enclosed spaces where danger of infection is multiplied.


Tyrants in government use the opportunity presented by this crisis to spy on citizens with drones, track their smartphones, and get people to spy on their neighbors.

They refuse to take action regarding filth-ridden homeless populations massed together (a hotbed for the spread of viruses and disease), but arrest and fine people going about normal business.

This post is for all of you who are capable of pattern recognition.

The Shelter-In-Place E-Book Sale…Part 2

I’m not calling it “the Martial Law Book Sale” because I’m trying desperately to be optimistic about the shutdown and what will happen afterwards.

While we’re waiting (and hoping) for this to blow over, don’t succumb to boredom. Kick back with a good book and enjoy the down time.

Mike has reduced the prices of all his e-novels, now. Also, I’ve slashed the prices of my shorter books and will add those links, too. Remember, you can click on the images or the text links to buy. And all these books are available not only on Amazon for the Kindle, but at Barnes & Noble for the Nook, Kobo, the Apple Store, and just about every other store where you can buy e-books, for whatever device.


Fast Cars and Rock & Roll…that title tells you exactly what you’re in for in this 459 page  high-testosterone tale of Deke Jones’ adventures with racing, rock music,  and ravishing women.


Click here to read it on Kobo.

Click here to get it from Smashwords.

Click here to get it everywhere else.

Deke Jones is back for 612 pages of private detective work mixed with irreverent mayhem in Shadow Hand Blues, trying to solve a cold-case mystery after stumbling on a dead blues man’s electric guitar.


Click here to read it on Kobo.

Click here to get it from Smashwords.

Click here to get it everywhere else.

There are no elves, unicorns, or pixie ninjas in Gods & Proxies, but it’s about as epic a fantasy as you could possibly get in 316 pages. Or is it a fantasy at all?


Click here to read it on Kobo.

Click here to get it from Smashwords.

Click here to get it everywhere else.

The Curly Wolf is 321 pages of western action, innocent romance, and larger-than-life characters.


Click here to read it on Kobo.

Click here to get it from Smashwords.

Click here to get it everywhere else.


Buy all three Retreads novels from Amazon.
Buy the whole series from Amazon.

The entire Retreads series is available for a song at Amazon. Well, I don’t think they actually make you sing. But the three E-Books will cost less than a cheeseburger from the drive-through.

And, of course, the books are for sale individually, too. Hell and Gone was the series premier, my first bestseller, and still the most popular of all my books.

Buy Hell and Gone for the Kindle.
Click to buy on Amazon.

Buy it for the Nook on Barnes & Noble.

Buy it at the Kobo store.

Buy it at the Apple store.

Buy it at Smashwords.

Also available as an audiobook from Audible. Comment on this post to get a coupon code for a discount!

The second Retreads novel is Tier Zero. Many readers thought it was even better than the first book.

Click to buy Tier Zero for the Kindle.
Click to buy on Amazon.

Buy it for the Nook on Barnes & Noble.

Buy it at the Kobo store.

Buy it at the Apple store.

Buy it at Smashwords.

Also available as an audiobook from Audible. Comment on this post to get a coupon code for a discount!

With the third book, False Flag, the Retreads series took a turn into SHTF (I believe the current term in use is “boogaloo”) patriot fiction.

Buy False Flag for the Kindle.
Click to buy on Amazon.

Buy it for the Nook on Barnes & Noble.

Buy it at the Kobo store.

Buy it at the Apple store.

Buy it at Smashwords.

Below are some shorter books that were priced lower than the full-length novels. Now they’re even cheaper! (Sale prices will be visible after clicking on the links.)

Long before mixed martial arts, men of the west displayed their violent prowess with fists only. Tomato Can Comeback is the tale of a young fighter’s quest for redemption…on the canvas.

Also available as an audiobook from Audible. Comment on this post to get a coupon code for a discount!

Radical Times is set during the aftermath of the Civil War, when a soldier returns to the girl he loved, but is caught in the middle between two factions that still want to fight.

Thus Spake the Bard tells the story of a troubador and his creative friend, who get on the wrong side of a sheriff from Nottingham.

The Greater Good is a satire, dropping snark bombs on the superhero genre and leftist groupthink.

There will one day be a full-length Honor Triad novel, but for now there are two short books in this heroic fantasy series: The Bloodstained Defile, and The Gryphon of Tirshal.

The Shelter-in-Place Book Sale

There’s a lot of stuff going on right now. Some of the “solutions” to COVID-19/the Wuhan Coronavirus are wrong, infuriating, and scary. In the short term, a lot of us are worried about our jobs–will they even exist once this mess blows over?

People around the world are worried about putting food on the table. For those in that position, I urge you to be as wise as you can with what resources you have.

For those who have food and water covered, but are bored and need something to do, Virtual Pulp is cutting the prices on our E-Books. I’ve suddenly got a lot more time to read than normal, and it’s one positive side effect of this crisis. Below are text links and image links (yes–you can just click on the book cover image to buy one from Amazon) for reduced-price E-Books. They’re available in all electronic formats and pretty much every online book store except Google Play.

Stay safe and keep your powder dry.

Buy all three Retreads novels from Amazon.
Buy the whole series from Amazon.

The entire Retreads series is available for a song at Amazon. Well, I don’t think they actually make you sing. But the three E-Books will cost less than a cheeseburger from the drive-through.

And, of course, the books are for sale individually, too. Hell and Gone was the series premier, my first bestseller, and still the most popular of all my books.

Buy Hell and Gone for the Kindle.
Click to buy on Amazon.

Buy it for the Nook on Barnes & Noble.

Buy it at the Kobo store.

Buy it at the Apple store.

Buy it at Smashwords.

The second retreads novel is Tier Zero. Many readers thought it was even better than the first book.

Click to buy Tier Zero for the Kindle.
Click to buy on Amazon.

Buy it for the Nook on Barnes & Noble.

Buy it at the Kobo store.

Buy it at the Apple store.

Buy it at Smashwords.

With the third book, False Flag, the series took a turn into SHTF (I believe the current term in use is “boogaloo”) patriot fiction.

Buy False Flag for the Kindle.
Click to buy on Amazon.

Buy it for the Nook on Barnes & Noble.

Buy it at the Kobo store.

Buy it at the Apple store.

Buy it at Smashwords.

Virtual Pulp contributor Paul Hair also has some work published you should look at.  It is not on sale currently, but still worth a read. You can find his short stories in the Appalling Stories series.

Buy the Appalling Stories bundle.
Click to buy from Amazon.

Or you can buy them individually. First, there’s the original Appalling Stories.

Buy Appalling Stories 1.
Buy it on Amazon.

Then the sequel anthology, Appalling Stories 2.

Buy Appalling Stories 2.
Buy it on Amazon.

Paul came back (and Hank added a story, too) in Appalling Stories 4.

Buy Appalling Stories 4.
Buy it on Amazon.


Great Movie Scenes to Celebrate Women’s History Month [VIDEOS]

Women’s History Month is here (or so people tell me). And in celebration of that, I’ve put together a few clips that feature a handful of some fine moments in Hollywood history that involve women.

So without further ado, here they are in chronological order based on the year of release of the films.

1939: Gone with the Wind

Rhett Butler picks up Scarlett O’Hara and carries her upstairs to spend the night with him . . . whether she wants to or not.

1942: The Black Swan

Tyrone Power’s character manhandles Maureen O’Hara’s character throughout this film. Here are three scenes where he shows her who’s boss.


1946: Duel in the Sun

Jennifer Jones’s character is on her hands and knees, scrubbing away and really putting her hips into it when in walks Gregory Peck’s character. . . .


1951: Anne of the Indies

It’s two leading ladies here. Jean Peters’s pirate character attempts to sell Debra Paget’s character at the slave market. I couldn’t find a video clip of that scene, but here’s a link to an image of it at IMDB.

And you can watch the theatrical trailer for Anne of the Indies to get a flavor of the movie too.


1952: The Quiet Man:

John Wayne’s character finally has enough of Maureen O’Hara’s character, and he takes her for a little walk, dragging her along (literally at points) while the good townsfolk cheer him on.


1953: Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

Sure, everyone remembers Monroe’s famous “Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend” song and dance in that pink dress. But there are plenty of other memorable moments in this movie. For instance, when Monroe’s character measures her hips and finds they aren’t quite the right size to fit through the window.


1956: Anything Goes

So they made them change the lyrics to the song “Anything Goes” in the movie with the same name, and a lot of people don’t like it. But it’s still a fun number. Mitzi Gaynor is a triple threat: acting, singing, and dancing, with dancing being the strongest of the three.


1959: The Indian Tomb

Debra Paget dances while barely wearing anything. (Skip to the 1:15 mark to see the actual start of the dance.)


By the way, that dance was not a one-off. Paget was a great dancer (and she was gorgeous). Here she is in a scene from Stars and Stripes Forever (1952).


1960: The Millionairess

The nurse tells Sophia Loren’s character to undress. And so she does.


1963: Donovan’s Reef

John Wayne’s character administers some corporal punishment to Elizabeth Allen’s character.

1963: McLintock!

John Wayne’s character administers some corporal punishment to Maureen O’Hara’s character.


1963: Spencer’s Mountain

Henry Fonda’s character administers some corporal punishment to Maureen O’Hara’s character (occurs around the 1:19 mark).


1963: 4 for Texas

What do you get when you put Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Charles Bronson, Ursula Andress, Anita Ekberg, and The Three Stooges in one movie? 4 for Texas. And you get multiple good scenes. One such scene is where Andress’s character explains to Martin’s character that she’s seeking a master—not a partner.


1964: Goldfinger

The scene where Bond tames Pussy Galore is famous—or rather, infamous. Why? Because it’s no longer politically correct.


1966-1968: Matt Helm Series

The Silencers (1966), Murderer’s Row (1966), The Ambushers (1967), and The Wrecking Crew (1968) are the four Matt Helm films that Dean Martin made. They all feature Martin and a lot of women. Here are two memorable scenes.

In The Silencers, Dean Martin’s character rip the clothes right off Stella Stevens’s character. (I couldn’t find a legit YouTube clip of it.)

And in The Wrecking Crew, Sharon Tate’s character runs up to Martin’s character and has a spectacular fall.


And for a little bit of trivia, in addition to Tate being in The Wrecking Crew, the film also featured Nancy Kwan, Elke Sommer, Tina Louise, and an uncredited Chuck Norris. Bruce Lee served as a “karate advisor.”

1998: The Mask of Zorro

Catherine Zeta-Jones’s character decides to get into a sword fight with Zorro. It doesn’t end well for her.

So enjoy and share these clips on social media. I’m sure everyone will agree with me that it’s a great way to celebrate Women’s History Month.

Top Image: Screen capture of scene from ‘McLintock!’

A Letter to Our Nominal Representatives

Below is a letter that I will be sending to Congress and the White House, as a wise citizen suggested we do. I advise everyone who doesn’t want the USA to become a third-world police state to tell them something similar. You can use this as a template, or even copy-paste it. I don’t mind.

I can guarantee you that if we don’t at least try, then nothing will change. Evil prospers when good men do nothing.

Dear Politician:

I want a stop to foreign aid to China. In fact, stop giving it to all nations that hate us.

I want a roll-back of the regulations and taxes that make it impossible for American manufacturers to compete with China’s slave labor sweatshops.

I want a wall on our southern border and a stop to all handouts to illegal aliens. I want you to put Americans first for a change.

I want you to quit letting big tech firms have their cake and eat it too: either they are utilities and are not allowed to censor anybody; or they are private companies that can censor, and can therefore be held accountable for what they don’t censor.

I want the law upheld–and not just the laws that you personally approve of. Punish criminals; quit trying to punish citizens who have done nothing wrong, but only exercised their rights, which you swore to protect.

I am keeping this message short because public servants obviously have a problem with reading comprehension–otherwise they would understand the phrase “shall not be infringed.”

In the Midst of Crisis is Opportunity

You may remember that corrupt globalist Rahm Immanuel admitted that philosophy on television. But he didn’t come up with it on his own–the left has been using crises to manipulate the masses for generations. And their solutions always result in more power for them and less freedom for us…by sheer coincidence, of course.

You can bet that the would-be  oligarchs infesting our government will try to use the COVID 19 outbreak to give us more of the same, good and hard. But this post isn’t about documenting more  fundamental transformation (or “frog-boiling”) by those who hate America.

The big question I have is: are you ready to start pushing back? If so, then it’s time to take advantage of the enemy’s Hegelian tactic and turn it against them.


We have a rare window of opportunity right now, that will slam shut as soon as our overlords can cram the relevant facts down the memory hole. We need to strike while the window is open.

Even normies and left-leaning sheeple are suddenly questioning the wisdom of outsourcing all our industrial capability (including the production of medicine) to a totalitarian nation that hates us and assumes that war with the USA is inevitable.

This episode of Tucker Carlson is must-watch, if you haven’t seen it already. The COVID 19 scare is so profound that even the milquetoast talking heads on Cux News are questioning our suicidal economic and foreign policies. Which means that being sold out by our leaders to Communist China is at least grazing the awareness of average people.

If there ever was a time when our alleged representatives might listen to us and at least consider putting the interests of Americans first, this is it. Call them. Write them. Email them.  Demand that they put an end to our carefully manufactured dependence on China for our supply infrastructure.

Who do they serve? Who do you serve?

After Pearl Harbor, when he was being congratulated for the wildly successful sneak attack that crippled the American Pacific Fleet, Admiral Yamamoto famously said:

“I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant, and filled him with a terrible resolve.”


No doubt part of what Yamamoto was worried about was America’s manufacturing potential. The Great Depression had shut a lot of our factories down, but we ramped up in record time and our assembly lines pumped out the weapons that crushed the Axis under the weight of overwhelming numbers. The USA became the greatest industrial powerhouse the world had ever seen, outproducing Japan, Germany, and Italy combined. Outproducing the entire world, in fact.

But what if, prior to Pearl Harbor, we had outsourced all our manufacturing capability to Japan and Germany? What if we had let them gobble up our national resources? What if they had bought our factories, oil wells, coal mines, railroads, and harbors? What if succeeding Presidents had given them our best weapons technology and strategic secrets? What if our “leaders” had engineered a situation where our enemies could  control the Panama Canal? What if our enemies were allowed to raid our Patent Office and universities and steal our intellectual property, then produce our inventions at slave labor prices and put American innovators out of business? What if we were in the habit of GIVING money to the Axis as foreign aid, then BORROWING it back from them at interest? What if the Axis Powers had de facto control over our media and entertainment industry, so that most Americans would only encounter ideas that the Axis approved of? What if anybody who protested such a massive sellout was dismissed as a crackpot or demonized as a racist?

There would have been no sleeping giant to worry about–just a sleeping couch potato; the giant would have been dead.


The situation is much worse than what I described because, frankly, you wouldn’t have the patience to read through an exhaustive list of all the ways we have been sold out to the most murderous regime in recorded history. Pre-war Japan didn’t want war with America nearly as much as Red China does. But our public servants who built China into a superpower have also made us dependent on that Communist dictatorship.

What happens when they decide it’s finally time for a shooting war with us? Do you assume they’re going to keep supplying us medicine for our troops that they wound in the field, and spare parts for our military vehicles and electronic equipment? We sure as hell can’t make that stuff here anymore, unless a lot of policies change. And they have to change now (while COVID 19 is getting people’s attention by disrupting our hijacked supply chain) before the giant couch potato goes back to sleep.

You can contact your Congressman here.

Red-Blooded American Men Examine Pop-Culture and the World