Just a few years ago, myself and others were ridiculed for suggesting the USA was in a Cold Civil War, and there was little chance left for peaceful repair of our constitutional republic. Now, a second civil war is a mainstream speculation, and a Rassmusen Poll suggests 31% of the population in the US believes such a conflict is “likely” in the next five years.
Hive Mind Drones and the useful idiots of the left have evidently been ordered to make this a “national conversation,” as so many are openly calling for civil war now, and some seem to be trying to instigate one. It’s difficult to deny, after the disastrous eight years under Obamunism, and the hysteria/dementia so shamelessly on display since Donald Trump’s upset victory over the Deep State Machine in 2016, that the political factions in this country are more polarized, and people more divided, than at any other time since the first Civil War. And maybe it’s worse than even then. The only reason the Cold Civil War hasn’t turned hot, frankly, is because the population is still too comfortable. Instigate the right kind of crisis (economic collapse, a grid-down scenario, etc.); make people hungry; take away modern conveniences and stuff we take for granted like hot and cold running water; and the streets will flow with blood as the entitled urban masses prey on each other and blame the demographics they hate for everything that went wrong.

Ignoring the advantages of the America-hating left (monopoly over education, entertainment, media, federal law enforcement, the courts, etc., and their infiltration of government at every level), let’s imagine, as an exercise, that the Deep State loses the impending hot conflict. Let’s indulge ourselves even more and assume that our borders will be secured; that we shift to a sane immigration policy (or even a strict one like Japan’s); that our foreign and trade policies stop giving every advantage to our enemies and actually safeguard the interests of our country and its people; that institutionalized discrimination (and pop culture demonization) against white males ends; everyone but the hardcorps Marxist base abandons the Democrat party; the GOP is purged of traitors and impostors–or a third party with an “America first” orientation rises up to dominate; and our economy is rescued from Death Row.
Paradise, right?
Not so fast.
The underlying cause of all our national ills would still be unaddressed.
The root cause of our problems is a spiritual one.
Even if your cause is just, that doesn’t automatically sanctify every ally of the cause (contrary to Star Wars philosophy and WWII propaganda). The god of this world has an angle and contingency plan for everyone and everything. And unlike our Fearless Champions in Congress and the Church, he never quits fighting. He will never accept defeat until he is thrown in the lake of fire at the conclusion of history.
Even if the #MAGA phenomenon envisioned by so many comes to pass, the enemy of your soul has got those bases covered, too. He just has to shift tactics a little bit, and his agenda keeps on pushing. Whether he has to divert you around the Truth to the right or the left (no pun intended), what’s important to him is that you miss the Truth. And he’s an expert at getting people (and nations) to do just that. Under the Old Covenant, our Creator chose to deal with humanity through Israel. Some would think (and many still assume) that because they are His chosen people, Israelis/Israelites are somehow morally irreproachable. The Old Testament and Gospels document the fallacy of this assumption. In fact, the Israelites were a priority target for our spiritual enemy, and were far from impervious to his tactics. The best of the patriarchs had major moral failures, as did Israel’s greatest king, and the most faithful aspect of that people was how predictably they periodically abandoned their God and whored after false gods.
Our spiritual enemy has already infiltrated the MAGA movement. The seeds of his agenda (and our ultimate destruction) are already planted, in the event we win a seeming/temporary victory in America. I’ll just mention two such seeds for now.

Once upon a time, only the left openly advocated for the proliferation of perversion. “Conservatives” didn’t work up a sweat trying to conserve morality (or anything else), but they at least paid lip service to “family values” and other rhetorical ideals. Then along came the “Log Cabin Club” and the RINOs began to come out of the closet. Right-of-center icons like Barry Goldwater went public with their approval of degenerate “lifestyles.” Government schools began ramming the sodomite agenda down children’s throats, as early as kindergarten, while good men did nothing. Now those heavily-conditioned children are grown and voting.
Perversion, like feminism, is now embraced equally on both sides of the political divide. You can hardly find a dissenting opinion anywhere, since those have been driven into the closet by people programmed to accept perversion as healthy. (“Not that there’s anything wrong with that.”) Trump himself proudly waves the rainbow flag and can’t refer to homosexuals without applying “wonderful” or some other flattering adjective to their demographic. Even groups like Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys (unique so far, in that they’re willing to push back against the left’s violent Blackshirts) deliberately pander to the sodomite lobby.

Throughout history, a society’s plunge into sexual degeneracy precedes collapse (or transition, as in the Weimar Republic). And depraved minds reject the Truth. Who knows how many people inside the USA are leading a sexually deviant lifestyle? But it appears that 75-90% approve of those who practice it, while calling good evil and evil good.
Before Obamunism, the Swamp Media’s portrayal of opposition to the left as fraught with KKK Nazis was just a politically expedient fabrication used for recruitment, retainment, and marginalizing dissidents who could not be otherwise silenced. Now it has become a self-fulfilled prophecy.
Granted: the #FakeRight are as leftist as they’ve ever been, and perhaps the majority of “white nationalists” on the Internet and at rallies are agents provacateur whose mission is to infiltrate, instigate, agitate, and associate their boogeyman reputation with actual right-wingers. But the provocation seems to be working on a lot of non-LARPers in the #MAGA movement, who fantasize about hook-nosed Joooooos behind every tree and examine every single issue through a racial or ethnic lens. Some of them even claim to be Christians, even though the god they serve is clearly Racial Purity and “muh westurn sivuluhzayshun.” They are, in fact, the mirror image of the professional victim classes in the SJW ranks who have played the race card to get special treatment for the last half-century, all while shrieking about “muh oppression” and “white privilege.”

These people will prove just as easy to manipulate as the minorities they so despise. Identity politics is always accompanied by conformity and GroupThink. Moronic obsession with superficial differences has been historically used to cause people to surrender their own freedom and long-term interests for the hollow ambition of extracting a pound of flesh from tribal outsiders.
Seeds planted by our spiritual adversary spread like cancer. They don’t go into remission just because one political faction (or ethnic group) triumphs over another. If the source is never attacked, the seeds are guaranteed to take root and flourish.
The only way to effectively combat your spiritual enemy is by turning to the God who is more powerful than the god of this world (and every other “god”). If America doesn’t do this, then our ruin is assured–regardless of either side’s political fortunes in November or in 2020.