Executive Orders: Homeland #2

The second book in R.A. Mathis’ SHTF series has just gone live on Amazon. I was fortunate enough to have read an advance copy (after nagging the author a little bit–that’s how much I liked the first one: Falling Down), so I’m ahead of the curve.

I reviewed the first book here; then the author and I had a conversation about our books and TEOTWAWKI in general here and here, if you want to get up to speed. You can also read an excerpt.

Executive Orders follows the three main characters from Falling Down as order is established from the chaos. But order isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be–especially when the chaos was purposely orchestrated to bring it about.

Unfortunately, I think the author’s take on how easy it is to manipulate the masses is spot-on (which is to say: even easier, when they’re facing starvation and other severe hardships, than it is now).

America’s “second founding” is how characters in this story refer to the whole order-from-chaos/pheonix-rising-from-the-ashes plan to swallow the USA into the globalist dictatorship certain insiders have referred to as the New World Order . They have utterly destroyed the US economy; taken down the power grid; hijacked the Armed Forces; implemented martial law; begun to kick off their population reduction and relocation initiatives; blamed the patriot resistance for all the above; obliterated what individual rights Americans had left; and made the average Joe beg for servitude by using food shortages as a weapon. This is all right out of the globalist playbook.

I was a bit surprised at how much freedom and initiative Sheriff Hank was able to enjoy, given the stranglehold Big Brother has on everyone and everything. In retrospect, perhaps he was merely given enough rope to hang himself. And scapegoats are always needed in situations like this.

The stranglehold was achieved very quickly. The author has illustrated just how fast our way of life can permanently change. (The same government/media complex that so expertly herds the population using the Hegelian dialectic before the fall will have an even easier time herding with the simple carrot-or-the-stick paradigm.) They waste no time weaponizing the surviving population (now reduced to property of the State), starting with the very youngest.

I got irritated with Sheriff Hank a couple times, due to his naivite`…but, to be honest, he’s no more naive than most people are, or will be, in real life. Will normalcy bias linger on, even after normalcy has been shredded, napalmed and nuked into oblivion? Yes, it probably will, while evils are sufferable.

This is a dark vision of the near future. However, there were just enough glimmers of hope to read on. And Mathis has set the stage for the resistance to bring some major smoke on the bad guys in the third book.

The Clinton Mafia Assumes You are Stupid and Weak

Just like her husband the Teflon Traitor, and the Obamanible Hussein, Hillary Clinton can and will get away with anything, if it’s up to the utterly corrupt “justice” system, and the lapdog media.

In this video, a Congressional panel asks some of the questions of Clinton stooge (FBI Director) James Comey, after he said normal citizens would go to jail for what Hillary did, but she should not.

The Clinton Mafia is waving this in your face. They are sending you the message that they are untouchable. And frankly, any Democrat nominee could rape and murder an infant on national TV, and 40% of registered voters would still vote for them. Add the inevitable voter fraud to that fanatic base, and perhaps they are untouchable in this rigged system.

Pay attention to what Comey says toward the end of this video:

Did you catch that? Here’s the message:

“I am conspiring with the other Clinton puppet (my boss, Loretta Lynch) to let Hillary Clinton skate on this. However, don’t you little pissant citizens out there get the idea that you could get away with something like this, because we’d nail your ass for it.”



Only the naive and gullible imagined Hillary might have faced some sort of consequences for anything she’s done. The elite have determined that she will be the next executive order-slinging defacto dictator president, and nothing can stop them from ramrodding her into the White House…assuming that any of a number of impending national emergencies don’t preempt the election this November, that is.

Shootout at Dallas “Black Lives Matter” Demonstration

Latest reports are that five police are dead and seven are wounded from snipers who targeted police. Early reports suggest that one suspect tipped off police about bombs planted around the city. Dallas Police used a bomb of their own to kill one of the suspects.

Phrases like “ambush” and “military tactics” are being used to describe the attack, but media talking heads are not known for accurate reporting and too few details are known as yet to describe how it went down.

According to the Chief of the Dallas Police, one shooter stated his motivations included a desire to kill white people and white police, and anger over police brutality in other cities.

Some of us have been warning for years that there will be more and more of these high-profile shootings until disarmament of law-abiding citizens is achieved. Of course this is dismissed as “conspiracy theory” even though Eric Holder’s “Justice” Department was caught red-handed arming violent criminals just for this purpose.

Here are just a couple items this shooting accomplishes:

  • Upping the hysteria for “gun control.”
  • Another step toward a race war that the government will need to rescue us from (at the cost of personal liberties, of course).
  • Distraction from Hillary’s scandal being covered up by Clinton puppets in the FBI and the office of Attorney General.

Again, it’s only going to get worse, America.

Political Affiliation and the Biblical Worldview

In the political arena, labels have been assigned and mis-assigned to such an extent that mass confusion reigns. George Orwell in his novel 1984 tipped us off to how socialists (of whatever stripe, it turns out) destroy language and replace it with Newspeak. This frames debate in their favor, before the debate even begins. For instance: by letting them define themselves as “pro-choice,” you have agreed with the assumption of moral superiority by those who want taxpayer-funded infanticide. By accepting terminology like “hate crime” you are actually endorsing the concept of what Orwell called “thought crime”–a crime that is committed in your mind before any physical act has occurred.*

Into all this convoluted mess comes the so-called “alt right,” confusing people further by confirming established fallacies while introducing new considerations. While the labels “liberal” and “conservative” are increasingly recognized as misnomers, the deception regarding what is truly “left” and “right” may never be undone.

At the conclusion of history, we will not have to answer to some political party, nor any created being, but to the supreme power of the universe–the Creator Himself. How closely we adhered to the standards of popular opinion and evolving secular morality will not earn us anything on that day.

That said, and because political affiliation does have meaning for all at the present time, it would be worthwhile to analyze the major political factions at work in the USA and worldwide, based on the eternal standards God revealed to us in the 66 books of the Holy Bible.

You will find people who identify themselves as Christians all across the political spectrum. But observing what they say, how they act and who they vote for can shed light on what they actually believe. Christianity is a matter of what one believes (and that belief, or faith, is demonstrated through words and deeds), so it only makes sense that a tree is judged by its fruit.

It makes sense to start with the dominant ideology, which has shaped law and policy for the last few generations, and has an ironclad grip on pop culture, the mainstream media, academia and every other government mouthpiece.

Part 1: The Left-Wing


Leftists like to disguise what they are by calling themselves “liberal,” “social justice warriors” and other self-aggrandizing titles. Nevertheless, I will categorize them according to their actual worldview which is collectivist and despotic.

Jesus often taught compassion for the poor, and helping those in need. One tactic of leftists is to cherry-pick verses out of those teachings in an attempt to persuade that Christian doctrine is best exemplified by the Democratic Party. Some even teach that Jesus was a socialist.

What is conveniently ignored is that Jesus hung the conviction for charity on the shoulders of the individual believer. He never suggested that a believer should steal the property of his neighbor in order to give it to somebody else (in theory the needy; in reality government and its army of bureaucrats). Theft is theft, even when you get the government to do the dirty work for you.  There are examples of disciples sharing what they had with each other, but the Lord did not teach wealth redistribution via political apperatus.

Christianity is about bridging the gap between God and the individual, so it is a very individualistic faith. You can’t expect some organization or party to take the place of our only mediator, who is Jesus.

Leftism is all about group identity. Whatever demographic you fit in either gives you an all-purpose excuse (via Sacrosanct Victim Status) or condemns you as an enemy to humanity as a whole and to progress (as they define it). Hence the white male heterosexual is assumed to be an enemy, and treated accordingly, unless or until he proves to them his allegiance to The Agenda and The Narrative.

Jesus said those who love Him would obey his commandments; that those who aren’t with Him are against Him; and that He is the only way to salvation. Never once did He imply that demographic affiliation was an adequate substitute for conscious, individual choice.

If everyone obeyed the Commandment not to covet what belongs to somebody else, the left would lose its voter base overnight. Jesus never repealed the Ten Commandments. In fact, He expounded upon them.

Let’s compare summaries of the respective outlooks.

The Christian Worldview

  • God is the Creator of all things, and perfect. He sets the standards of morality.
  • The world is currently under the dominion of His Adversary.
  • Mankind is fallen, and will use free will to do wrong, hurt others and reject God.
  • God the Father sent God the Son to pay the price to redeem the world.
  • God the Son will return to collect what he paid for–the Earth itself and all those who accept His pardon.

The Left-Wing Worldview

  • There is no such thing as good and evil, right and wrong…
  • However, those who disagree are wrong…
  • And those who expose leftists as liars and hypocrites are evil.
  • Truth is relative: whatever helps advance progress is true.
  • Whatever hinders progress (as they define it) is false.
  • Standards of morality are set by Hollywood, mainstream media and Facebook consensus.
  • God is whatever you want it to be, so long as your faith in it doesn’t hinder progress or contradict The Narrative.

It’s tempting to go into more detail, but for the sake of brevity I’m avoiding the temptation.

The bottom line is, the typical leftist trusts in government more than God, and lifts up government as more important than God. This is idolatry by definition, and a violation of the First Commandment.

Leftism is an anti-Christian worldview, and its sad that this fact must be spelled out at all.

* Murder of a homosexual, for instance, is a “hate crime,” whereas other murders are not. Therefore, the murderer must have committed some crime in addition to murder, for it to be worse than other murders. Therefore, those who don’t approve of homosexuality have already committed Thought Crime, even if they don’t commit murder. That’s why they should be fined out of business for not baking a cake or thrown in jail for refusing to perform a ceremony, you see.

Truck Stop Earth by Michael A. Armstrong

A Guest Post by Jim Morris

The most important thing to know about this book is that it’s fun. It is, in fact the most fun I’ve had reading a book in a long time. Other books have perhaps explored more profound emotions but if you want to spend a few hours alternating between a grin, a rolling chuckle, and laughing out loud you probably won’t do better with anything contemporary.

What we have here is the memoir of a screaming nutjob, as told to author Michael A. Armstrong. The nutjob in question, James Ignatius Malachi Obediah Osborn is a multiple alien abductee, fierce fighter in the Resistance movement against the Alien Occupying Government. He can spot ‘em among the general population, because he knows their disguise tricks. Or maybe he’s just nuts, hard to say.

That’s where a lot of the tension in the story comes from. Some of what he believes is pretty convincing. Some of it just seems Loony Tunes.

After a scary encounter with the grays in Florida Jimmo heads for Alaska where the adventure continues. Aside from maybe being nuts Jimmo is a pretty competent fellow who can find work and do it well, fighting fires while fending off alien attacks.

He purports to be a spec ops veteran of Desert Storm, although while others were defeating Saddam he was further out in the desert, hunting grays with Delta Force. Thing is, he still talks the talk right. The guy has definitely been somewhere and done something.

Another thing this books does well is present the society of adventurous spirits who have absconded to Alaska as the last frontier where you can get a decent latte. A more brave and gaudy collection of tatted, pierced and bizarrely coifed expats can hardly be imagined. And, to paraphrase Ronnie Hawkins, Jimmo gets more trim than Frank Sinatra.

Warning: if you have a problem with people who unabashedly talk nasty, well, maybe you should read Jane Austen instead.

Michael A. Armstrong was born in Virginia, raised in Florida, and has lived in Alaska since 1979. He graduated from New College of Florida, and received a master of fine arts in writing from the University of Alaska Anchorage; his master’s thesis, PRAK, was published by Warner Books/Questar as After the Zap. Armstrong has published in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Asimov’s, and Analog, as well as numerous anthologies. A writer in the Janet Morris Heroes In Hell series, he most recently was published in Lawyers in Hell.
He now lives in Homer, Alaska.


Join the Military For Subsidized Sex Change

This is what we’ve come to, America. And yet, believe it or not, there’s still potential for it to get much worse. What a gift for America’s birthday. And the so-called Justice Department is aiding/abetting yet another Clinton coverup.

The agenda to sodomize the US Armed Forces began in earnest with the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy the Clinton Administration devised in order to circumvent the law. As with anything else, “conservatives” opposed it, until it became status quo. Then they defended it,

But of course “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” wasn’t enough for the gender-bending social engineers. They wanted homosexuals serving openly and flamboyantly in the military. They got their way, but that wasn’t enough, either.

In a military where Christians are forced into the closet, every flavor of sexual perversity is now subsidized, and enjoying protected status. (Oops, I shouldn’t say “every flavor,” as I’m sure they’ll come up with more in days to come.)

What’s even more disgusting than these developments is how many people approve of them. The Indoctrination Industry has served its purpose well. While Bill Clinton was poisoning the military from within, he was also ramrodding the LGBT agenda down the throats of children, with education initiatives. Those children are grown up and voting, now.

The cultural undercurrents right now suggest that pedophilia is the next deviency targeted for normalization. Canada, normally 15-20 years ahead of the USA in its cultural suicide, is toying with the normalization of bestiality. Yay, progress.

Steel Tiger

Number Two in the Wings of War series, this novel gets its name from an air interdiction operation against a segment of the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

Author Mark Berent was a fighter pilot in Vietnam who also took the initiative to find out what the war on the ground was like. That means his characters/stories have, as a backdrop, a fairly cohesive strategic and tactical overview (such as a strategic concept was, in Vietnam).

SteelTigerpatchJet jock Court Bannister has finished his first combat tour and has managed to earn a slot in Test Pilot School for the second time. That’s a step toward becoming an astronaut, which is his ambition.

Meanwhile, Toby Parker is also stateside, officially earning his wings. His hoity-toity family is pleased with the enhanced status he lends them by having become a hero, but not so pleased with his intentions of remaining in the Air Force. Given his alcoholism and increasingly rebellious behavior, not everone in the Air Force thinks he should stay in, either.

Wolf Lochert, fighting a whole different sort of campaign on the ground, is an unconventional warrior in an unconventional war who is just too unconventional for the typical snooty brass who are overseeing the lose/lose experimental quagmire in Vietnam.

Both pilots are privileged offspring of wealthy parents, but also way too cowboy for their chains-of-command. By saving another test pilot’s life, along with an expensive aircraft, Bannister is judged unfit for the astronaut program. Parker is an outstanding flier, but his reckless antics get him barred from flying fighters. Both of them wind up returning to Vietnam.

The author, back in the day.

A fatal barroom brawl lands Wolf Lochert in military prison, and his fate appears grim.

From available information, it would seem that Berent was a good pilot. While I wasn’t there, hence can’t confirm or deny, I can confirm that he is a great storyteller. Tom Clancy said Berent spun yarns of “good men in a bad war” and that sums up Wings of War quite well. His three primary characters work within the idiotic constraints they are saddled with, and pursue a victory that is forbidden by Washington.

The author interprets the jargon and explains some technical details which might otherwise confuse some readers; but doesn’t interrupt the story flow long enough to be a nuisance. He’s also got some “character sketches” that will probably resonate with anybody who has served some time in the military.

With all this you get a Soviet MiG pilot, a wartime sting operation, plus glimpses inside the Hanoi Hilton and the Johnson State Department.

Steel Tiger is credible, informative, and great fun to read.

Tony Stewart’s Swan Song

…Is showing signs of life.

With a thrilling last second see-saw finish, Tony Stewart fought his way to a win at Sonoma on Sunday. This was his first win since coming back from a spinal injury, in what will be his last season in NASCAR’s Cup series.

Stewart’s fortunes improved when Lady Luck gave the field a caution right after his green flag pit stop, and he took the lead for the first time. After two deft restarts. he held off Martin Truex Jr. and Denny Hamlin, in turn…until the very last lap. Stewart got loose and let Hamlin get around him, and it looked like it was all over (despite announcer and former race driver Jeff Gordon assuring the audience it was not).

Two turns later, Hamlin was paying more attention to Stewart in his mirror than negotiating the turn, and drifted too wide on entrance. Stewart dove underneath, taking the inside of the curve. They traded some paint, and Hamlin bounced off the wall. Stewart sped away and took the checkered flag seconds later.


Tony Stewart has got some bragging rights–the only driver to win championships in both NASCAR and Indy Car; and to win championships with three different Cup sponsors–Winston, Nextel and Sprint. He’s also got eight road course wins.

The race was not without its heartbreaks. Clint Boyer suffered a DNF (Did Not Finish) due to an electrical fire. A.J. Allmendinger took the lead for a while and looked very strong until a bad adjustment during a pit stop got him moving backwards through the field. And Dale Earnhardt Jr, who had a well-performing car and was moving forward all day (despite some pit stop setbacks), was on the receiving end of an automotive billiards shot resulting in a tire rub that yanked him out of the top ten.

Stewart was having a rough season, but now he’s in the Chase. Maybe this is the turning point in what will be a Cinderella season.

Sonoma (formerly Sears Point) and Watkins Glen are the two Cup Series road courses, and my favorite races of the season take place there.

Trump Takes Off the Gloves

…And gives Hillary the pimp-slapping she deserves.

I apologize for linking to Politico; but a search for Trump’s speech failed to locate a transcript on any site besides the leftist virtual rags.

There was plenty more that The Donald could have said about the Clintons, but what he did say opened a whole can of butthurt on Hillary and her army of useful idiots. Really, this speech was unprecedented in my lifetime.

Even a goose-stepping leftard gets something right every once in a while.
Even a goose-stepping leftard gets something right every once in a while.
  1. The elites have mastered the science of limiting our choices, then getting us to bicker about what is within their approved frame of debate. Policies which would put American interests first do not fit within the approved frame of choices. Other nations are allowed, expected, and encouraged to seek their own interests first, but this is forbidden for the USA. Donald Trump just took a chainsaw to the Approved Frame and stomped the fragments to splinters. Not even Reagan managed to implement “America First” trade and foreign policies, though perhaps he would have liked to. If President Trump’s actions match this rhetoric, we will witness an attempt at a polar shift in policy (which could have saved the country 20-30 years ago).
  2. The Clintons and Obama have committed high crimes and treason worthy of the death penalty. While it’s expected that the press and the Democrats (forgive the redundancy) would approve of their treachery, and assist in the cover-ups, one would at least expect their “opposition” in the GOP, Fox News, et al, to take them to task for it. But “conservatives” (whatever that means) prefer to strain out gnats while swallowing camels. That’s why, for instance, the GOP made a big deal out of one of Bill Clinton’s tamer sexcapades, while hardly mentioning his giving of military secrets to Red China. No doubt many in the GOP were successfully blackmailed via the FBI dossiers on them criminally obtained by the Clintons; but there’s also the insane unwritten rule among NeoCons that Democrats should get off scot-free when the their crimes are so heinous that drawing attention to them would transgress some unwritten sense of propriety. Donald Trump just skull-stomped that tradition, too. Nobody else running for public office anywhere has had the guts to call a skunk a skunk. The Donald just drew attention to highlights of Hillary’s rap sheet that Big Media has been working so craftily and diligently to hide. I have underestimated before both Big Media’s capacity for doubling down, and the obedience of two-legged sheep who follow Big Media to think only what they are told to think…but it seems to me it’s gonna be very difficult to get the toothpaste back in the tube now that Trump has squeezed it out.

We will never be able to fix a rigged system by counting on the same people who rigged it in the first place. – Donald Trump

Republicans are supposed to bring knives to gunfights. Donald Trump just brought a full auto grenade launcher. This is yet another reason the RINOs will just hate him even more, and shriek how they will vote for Hillary instead of him.

She gets rich making you poor.

…Hillary Clinton has also been the biggest promoter of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which will ship millions more of our jobs overseas – and give up Congressional power to an international foreign commission. – Donald Trump

Kudos to Trump for drawing a distinct line between himself and the globalists. It’s a shame Trump decided to infect such a strong speech by pandering to LGBTs and Bernie Sanders voters (forgive the redundancy). He also checked the “poor moderate Muslim victims” box, too. Granted: even firebrands feel the need to butter up the fickle swing voters on occasion, and being from New York, it’s quite possible that his warm, squishy sentiments toward sexual deviants, socialist midwits and backslidden cultists are authentic; but a better strategy would have been to stick to  bold, cocksure Trumpian  broadsides against his selected targets, like this one:

Ambassador Stevens and his staff in Libya made hundreds of requests for security.

Hillary Clinton’s State Department refused them all.

She started the war that put him in Libya, denied him the security he asked for, then left him there to die.

To cover her tracks, Hillary lied about a video being the cause of his death. – Donald Trump

How are Hillary, her handlers, and the globalist machine going to handle broadsides like this?

Until they can lock down the Internet and reassert their monopoly on the flow of information, this is a sticky wicket for them. My best guess is that they will ignore the specifics Hillary is called out on, and try to dismiss the speech in its entirety as delusional crackpot fodder. Oh yeah, and racist, of course. But it’s not an easy assignment–they must avoid, at all costs, intriguing ignorant fence-sitters into actually listening to the charges. Hearing Trump’s actual words might motivate them to do some fact-checking of their own, and the usurpers dare not let Hillary’s track record come under any meaningful scrutiny. They have to assassinate Trump’s character, somehow, if not the man himself. There are efforts to do this, ongoing, like the Trump University controversy and vague accusations about his business practices… but they have been uncharacteristically inept, so far.

The irony of it is, they’ve had such success ruining America’s moral compass (in order to get the sheeple to accept the amoral scum they foist on us every election, and to normalize perversity), that stirring up moral outrage against Trump for unethical practices, real or fabricated, is hardly an effective tactic anymore.

Here are a few things a Trump Administration will do for America in the first 100 days:

Appoint judges who will uphold the Constitution. Hillary Clinton’s radical judges will virtually abolish the 2nd amendment.

Change immigration rules to give unemployed Americans an opportunity to fill good-paying jobs

Stand up to countries that cheat on trade, of which there are many

Cancel rules and regulations that send jobs overseas

Lift restrictions on energy production…

Red-Blooded American Men Examine Pop-Culture and the World