…And gives Hillary the pimp-slapping she deserves.
I apologize for linking to Politico; but a search for Trump’s speech failed to locate a transcript on any site besides the leftist virtual rags.
There was plenty more that The Donald could have said about the Clintons, but what he did say opened a whole can of butthurt on Hillary and her army of useful idiots. Really, this speech was unprecedented in my lifetime.

- The elites have mastered the science of limiting our choices, then getting us to bicker about what is within their approved frame of debate. Policies which would put American interests first do not fit within the approved frame of choices. Other nations are allowed, expected, and encouraged to seek their own interests first, but this is forbidden for the USA. Donald Trump just took a chainsaw to the Approved Frame and stomped the fragments to splinters. Not even Reagan managed to implement “America First” trade and foreign policies, though perhaps he would have liked to. If President Trump’s actions match this rhetoric, we will witness an attempt at a polar shift in policy (which could have saved the country 20-30 years ago).
- The Clintons and Obama have committed high crimes and treason worthy of the death penalty. While it’s expected that the press and the Democrats (forgive the redundancy) would approve of their treachery, and assist in the cover-ups, one would at least expect their “opposition” in the GOP, Fox News, et al, to take them to task for it. But “conservatives” (whatever that means) prefer to strain out gnats while swallowing camels. That’s why, for instance, the GOP made a big deal out of one of Bill Clinton’s tamer sexcapades, while hardly mentioning his giving of military secrets to Red China. No doubt many in the GOP were successfully blackmailed via the FBI dossiers on them criminally obtained by the Clintons; but there’s also the insane unwritten rule among NeoCons that Democrats should get off scot-free when the their crimes are so heinous that drawing attention to them would transgress some unwritten sense of propriety. Donald Trump just skull-stomped that tradition, too. Nobody else running for public office anywhere has had the guts to call a skunk a skunk. The Donald just drew attention to highlights of Hillary’s rap sheet that Big Media has been working so craftily and diligently to hide. I have underestimated before both Big Media’s capacity for doubling down, and the obedience of two-legged sheep who follow Big Media to think only what they are told to think…but it seems to me it’s gonna be very difficult to get the toothpaste back in the tube now that Trump has squeezed it out.
We will never be able to fix a rigged system by counting on the same people who rigged it in the first place. – Donald Trump
Republicans are supposed to bring knives to gunfights. Donald Trump just brought a full auto grenade launcher. This is yet another reason the RINOs will just hate him even more, and shriek how they will vote for Hillary instead of him.
She gets rich making you poor.
…Hillary Clinton has also been the biggest promoter of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which will ship millions more of our jobs overseas – and give up Congressional power to an international foreign commission. – Donald Trump
Kudos to Trump for drawing a distinct line between himself and the globalists. It’s a shame Trump decided to infect such a strong speech by pandering to LGBTs and Bernie Sanders voters (forgive the redundancy). He also checked the “poor moderate Muslim victims” box, too. Granted: even firebrands feel the need to butter up the fickle swing voters on occasion, and being from New York, it’s quite possible that his warm, squishy sentiments toward sexual deviants, socialist midwits and backslidden cultists are authentic; but a better strategy would have been to stick to bold, cocksure Trumpian broadsides against his selected targets, like this one:
Ambassador Stevens and his staff in Libya made hundreds of requests for security.
Hillary Clinton’s State Department refused them all.
She started the war that put him in Libya, denied him the security he asked for, then left him there to die.
To cover her tracks, Hillary lied about a video being the cause of his death. – Donald Trump
How are Hillary, her handlers, and the globalist machine going to handle broadsides like this?
Until they can lock down the Internet and reassert their monopoly on the flow of information, this is a sticky wicket for them. My best guess is that they will ignore the specifics Hillary is called out on, and try to dismiss the speech in its entirety as delusional crackpot fodder. Oh yeah, and racist, of course. But it’s not an easy assignment–they must avoid, at all costs, intriguing ignorant fence-sitters into actually listening to the charges. Hearing Trump’s actual words might motivate them to do some fact-checking of their own, and the usurpers dare not let Hillary’s track record come under any meaningful scrutiny. They have to assassinate Trump’s character, somehow, if not the man himself. There are efforts to do this, ongoing, like the Trump University controversy and vague accusations about his business practices… but they have been uncharacteristically inept, so far.
The irony of it is, they’ve had such success ruining America’s moral compass (in order to get the sheeple to accept the amoral scum they foist on us every election, and to normalize perversity), that stirring up moral outrage against Trump for unethical practices, real or fabricated, is hardly an effective tactic anymore.
Here are a few things a Trump Administration will do for America in the first 100 days:
Appoint judges who will uphold the Constitution. Hillary Clinton’s radical judges will virtually abolish the 2nd amendment.
Change immigration rules to give unemployed Americans an opportunity to fill good-paying jobs
Stand up to countries that cheat on trade, of which there are many
Cancel rules and regulations that send jobs overseas
Lift restrictions on energy production…