Up Close With a Supervillain

 A chilling wind swept over the barren wasteland.

In all directions, as far as the eye could see, there was nothing but desolate emptiness. In such a dreary location the imagination tends to wander and one can’t help wondering if maybe there was, at some point in time immemorial, an advanced, thriving civilization long departed for some unknown reason, all evidence of its achievements in culture and technology now buried under the ruin of time.

But enough about Detroit. This story begins far to the north, and quite a ways west.

The large, steel-hulled ship steamed through the icy waters, between the frozen steppes of Siberia on the left and the frozen tundra of Alaska on the right. A man sitting alone in his private cabin watched the godforsaken scenery slide by.

Tyrone Tirikeldaun didn’t necessarily have to become a supervillain. He could have just as easily become a healthy, positive contributor to society…like an actor, community organizer or Occupy protester.

He had a promising start—watching network television, playing video games, complaining a lot and letting his parents support him while waiting for his first welfare check.

Then, to the detriment of all that lives, he got an idea.

Instead of watching TV and playing video games, he worked on the idea and it grew into a business. But not a socially responsible business that loses money or, at best, breaks even. Once all his expenses were covered and bills paid, he had some money left over. To compound this unethical behavior, he kept that money for himself, reinvesting it in his business.

It was a slippery slope from there. Before long, he was looking for tax breaks to take advantage of, gleefully hoarding as much of the money he earned as was possible.

Villainy was like a drug to him. He couldn’t get enough. The compulsion to oppress the working class and destroy the environment only grew stronger, the more people bought his products.

Tyrone Trikeldaun’s eyes sparkled with a villainous glint as he gazed out over the North Alaskan coast through the cabin porthole in his ship, the SS Unfair Advantage. If only I had time, he thought, I could murder a whole bunch of cute little animals. I could drop anchor, set up some oil drilling equipment and watch multiple species frightened to extinction by the sight of a man-made object.

He sighed and sipped from his decadent 64 ounce Big Glunk. Maybe, as a consolation, he could take a landing party ashore on the way back and swat some protected species of spotted mosquito or something. There were no trees from the Brazilian Rainforest handy to slash, burn, or otherwise take his villainous sadism out on, so he would have to make do.

He pushed the intercom button and asked, “How long until we’re in the Arctic Circle?”

Henchman 34 replied, through the speaker, “We’re about to cross into the Arctic Circle very soon, now.”

“Oh. I mean that other circle, then. You know—the one that’s like a hundred mile radius from the North Pole. I pointed to it on the big map display in my underground lair when I was explaining the plan.”

“Right, sir. We should be there within a week, depending on how thick the ice is.”

Arctic Circle, schmartcic circle. They’d have to think up a different name for it soon. He laughed maniacally and rubbed his hands together.

Continuing the series on Superheroes and The Narrative, this is chapter One from my short e-book The Greater Good.

Daredevil on Netflix

So far, there is only one season’s worth of episodes on Netflix. I watched them all to the end without puking. I do admit to some groans and eye-rolls, but grading on the curve, that’s an A+ for a superhero (or, frankly, any) TV show these days.

First of all, in a genre with more reboots than a week’s worth of using Microsux Winblows, the series was fairly faithful to the source material. Remember, Daredevil hit the crimefighting stage in the 1960s. So first of all, everything had to be transposed to this millennium.

I’ll get the eye-rolls out of the way first.


(BTW, I remember the Kingpin being one of Spiderman’s enemies. Maybe Frank Miller switched him over?)

In today’s obsession with gray areas, flawed heroes and sympathetic villains, I guess it was just too tempting for the writers not to try to show the Kingpin’s humanity.

Sometimes these apologetics work. In this instance it was really unnecessary.

Some villains are just crooked, okay? The darker side of human nature is to lust after wealth/ power, and to build one’s own twisted version of morality in order to justify those lusts. The scumbags of the world either see themselves as heroes or victims (often both), and always have an excuse handy for what they do. You don’t need to help them make excuses.

Scheming crime lord, or misunderstood idealistic recluse?
Scheming crime lord, or misunderstood idealistic recluse?

I’ll only mention one more annoyance: the creative team behind Daredevil obviously felt obliged to lament the revolution in media every chance they got. In fact, the reporter character (Ben Urich) really serves no better purpose in the series.

He’s an icon–a symbol of journalistic integrity that the left-wing propagandist tools of the mainstream media would have you believe motivates them. The great tragedy is that since the flow of information has been democratized via the Internet, people have options and are turning away from the Lapdog Press; perusing alternative sources looking for the truth.

The truth that the mainstream media routinely attempts to suppress (and before the Internet, they were consistently successful).

The Daredevil writers (via their Ben Urich character) whine about the demise of Marxist (“mainstream”) newspapers, and complain that inferior proletarian slobs “blogging in their underwear” are responsible. They also seem to believe that those unwashed bloggers are getting filthy rich from doing it.

There was one similar rant in Arrow that I remember, but in this series, once was evidently not enough.

The series is just sloppin' over with eye candy. And the cinematography/effects ain't bad, either.
The series is just sloppin’ over with eye candy. And the cinematography/effects ain’t bad, either.

If you can ignore elements like those two eye-rolls summarized above (and I’m sure 99% of folks do), then this is actually a decent series so far. Matt Murdock, Foggy Nelson, Karen Page, Claire Temple and the other supporting characters are likeable. The action is mixed in well. The fight scenes are not bad for TV.

SInce the dark days of the 70s, Marvel’s efforts at live-action adaptation has undergone a tremendous overhaul. The Daredevil series certainly meets current Marvel Studios standards, and is an immense improvement over the big-screen effort of a few years ago.

Of the three different superhero-inspired series I’ve critiqued this month, this is the only one I intend to continue following.

SJW Wars: The Book Review Front

I’m interrupting the series on superheroes for breaking news that’s relevant to the latest battles in the war for our culture. If you follow Vox Popoli, you are probably already aware that Goodreads has banished him and others associated with the Rabid Puppies. The reason? Non-violation of non-policies. Meanwhile, those of the correct political affiliation are allowed to violate stated Goodreads policies at will, and only those who point the violations out are punished.

Truth is treason in the Empire of Lies, from the Obama Administration down to the People’s Democratic Republic of Goodreads.

Virtual Pulp has covered the efforts toward SJW convergence at Amazon before, but below is a recent attack on a review I posted there. Mind you, it’s obvious that I read the book, and the review is detailed enough for any reader to determine whether he would like it the book or not. Here’s the review of Breeder I posted on the old Two-Fisted Blog, before paring it down for Amazon.

(Note: That review resulted in my e-meeting the author. Afterwards we became correspondents. I also reviewed a handful of his other books and he reviewed two of mine. All because I was a fan of his nigh-forgotten men’s adventure spoof.)

I am now going to use my psychic abilities to locate the offensive passage from my review that inspired this Social Justice Warrior to attack (and vote my review “not helpful”…the only vote it has received, BTW):

…From the very first time I read this novel, I dismissed the Master Race aspect of the plot as silly, simple, and off-the-wall. After all, no tinkering with the American gene pool has been necessary to bring us to the brink of financial ruin (to name just one calamity that we now face). All it has required has been Pavlovian conditioning, softening, and dumbing-down of the electorate over a couple generations.

But then, Europe is rapidly transforming into a Muslim continent as I write this, and this paradigm shift is taking place in the womb.There is a political power base here in America that hopes to forge an ironclad monopoly over the three branches of our government, and one method they’ve been using to great effect (besides the aforementioned Pavlovian conditioning, softening and dumbing-down) includes tactics like refusal to enforce immigration laws, granting of amnesty to illegals, and the encouragement of “anchor babies” through redistribution of taxpayers’ money. Again, the key to victory, for some, is considered to lie within the womb.

So maybe the whole Master Race plot is not as silly as I assumed…

Want to piss off SJWs on search-and-disqualify destroy? Speak the truth about immigration. Here is his (?) response:

May have been an interesting review – minus all the clearly rightwing wingnut agenda based propaganda that seem to appear out of thin air (by the reviewer) based upon some wistful interpretations of a couple non related statements by the author (in a novel yet).

Even the Reviewer admits that “In any event, I don’t purport that this was Jim Morris’ attempt at an Atlas Shrugged” (but seems to sure wish that was the case).

Interestingly, the author has worked strongly with the aiding of non Christians pagan Montagnards from Vietnam into the United States (as well as other Hill Tribes, Nungs, Cambodes, etcetera) by the thousands (and many initially illegally). It would be interesting to see what the author would feel about those comments of this Reviewer in that regard.

But there was one correct comment: “There is a political power base here in America that hopes to forge an ironclad monopoly over the three branches of our government, and one method they’ve been using to great effect” (Only that Party has been the Republicans and the vehicle used has many scare tactics, disinformation, misinformation, The Big Lie, and other propaganda techniques that the best known fascists would have been proud of).

Leaving political agendas out of a book review that is a book of satire and immense tongue-in-cheek would have made it much better.

How about a read of the author’s “Sheriff of Purgatory” and show an interpretation of the main character’s clearly liberal character is actually another Ayn Rand one (without guns or personal killing this time).

I would find that interesting.


SJWs see what they want to see, whether it’s there or not. That’s why he/she/it can proclaim, with a straight cyber-face, that my “right-wing wingnut agenda based propaganda” was “based upon some wistful interpretations of a couple non related statements by the author (in a novel yet).”

No. Actually, to anyone with reading comprehension above a Ninth Grade level, it is clear that my observations were not based on some “statements” by the author in a novel.

The entire plot of the novel hangs on the premise that the USA can be taken over by breeding a specific type of progeny. I once considered this a silly idea, but in the review I pointed out that it’s hardly a silly concept, because current events demonstrate that genetics/breeding is one tactic being used right now in an agenda to take over the USA (and Europe).

What actually came “out of thin air” was this ankle-biter’s word-vomit about pagan Montagnards and Nungs, which is completely irrelevant to anything in the novel, or my review of it.

But having learned my lesson about speaking in Dialectic in debates with those who can’t understand it, I resisted the urge to shoot back with a point-by-point refutation based on observable truth. I returned fire with rhetoric–at least I tried to keep it rhetorical. You can read my response here.

Gotham on Netflix

Continuing with my superhero miniseries, I now turn to the latest reboot of the Batman mythos.

First off, as I pointed out in Superheroes and The Narrative:

…Frankly, you have to hand it to the pop culture svengalis because it takes talent to sell an aspect of The Narrative as oxymoronic as feminism (that women are superior to heterosexual men in every way, yet simultaneously oppressed victims of them).

That’s not the only difficult task they’ve cut out for themselves.–they’ve taken the Batman and turned him into a blatant oxymoron which gets swallowed whole by millions.

Let’s not forget that the Batman is A VIGILANTE. He’s a wealthy, Batman Destroys the Monkproperty-owning individual who recognizes that the so-called criminal justice system is hopelessly broken. He dedicates his life to disciplined training for a one-man war against the criminal class. Using his own capital, he arms and equips himself for the war. Once he reaches his physical prime, he circumvents the authority of the state and deals out justice personally, concealing his identity from both the criminal underworld and the corrupt system. In the beginning he wasn’t afraid to terminate scumbags with extreme prejudice, and at least once used firearms to do so.

You can’t get much more right-wing than that.

And yet, after Robin was first introduced in the early 1940s, Gotham City took a turn for the bizarre. Batman became a de facto officer in the Gotham PD, working so closely with Commissioner Gordon that one wonders why he bothered to keep his identity secret. You can see the transformation visually in the appearance of his costume, BTW.

The Batman assumed his disguise to strike fear into the hearts of criminals--"a superstitious, cowardly lot."
The Batman assumed his disguise to strike fear into the hearts of criminals–“a superstitious, cowardly lot.”
A kinder, gentler vigilante.
A kinder, gentler vigilante.

So…he’s a vigilante, but he works with the system. Oh, he’s gone through phases in which he is hunted by the cops, but it never lasts long and it’s usually as a result of him being framed by an enemy. He’s also become quite the anti-gun activist.

antigunBatmanSince at least the 1980s, the writers at DC have become more bold about inserting their leftist worldview into the comics. (The latest movie trilogy was a pleasant surprise, except for the last one, depending on perspective. If you’re a “law and order” cuckservative/Rino/NeoCon you probably thought the underlying message in Dark Knight Rises was just great.)

So what you have is an anarchist character who is written to be an agent of the state, and most passionate about collectivist causes (gun control, the dangers of privacy, etc.). He’s also a capitalist operating with nigh-autonomy, in a fantasy world where the free market is the problem, and autonomy should be exclusive to leftist politicians.

It takes some talented snake oil salesmen to peddle this stuff; and it takes some gullible chumps to swallow it without question.

Having said that, on to the TV series. I’ll list pros and cons.

PRO: This series has the best performances I’ve seen by a child actor playing the young Bruce Wayne.

The classic Penguin–that paragon of perfidy with a parasol…that bumbershoot bandit with a belly…

CON: In this show Oswald Cobblepot (AKA the Penguin) has more in common with the horrible Tim Burton character revamp than with the Penguin of the comics (at least the first half-century of the comics). In fact, this characterization might be worse: Cobblepot is petulant, impulsive, and sometimes downright stupid. Hardly the stuff supervillains are made of. His segments get tiresome to watch after a few episodes. And was the creepy mother fixation really necessary?

Tim Burton's Penguin--basically a disgusting zombie raised by real-life penguins.
Tim Burton’s Penguin–basically a disgusting zombie raised by real-life penguins.

PRO: Young detective Gordon is played very well, though the actor’s voice gets increasingly raspy–like he’s auditioning to play the part of Batman.

CON: Bruce Wayne doesn’t become Batman until he reaches adulthood, right? In this series he’s still a child…and yet the writers seem determined to have every single character in the Batman universe cross paths when Bruce Wayne is pre-pubescent. This is becoming a typical plotting fetish when these superhero franchises are rebooted, and it wasn’t all that clever the first few times. Plus it just isn’t credible. Only so much disbelief can be suspended for the more intelligent viewers, so save your improbable points for stuff like, you know, an unarmed dude with no superpowers attacking gangs of armed criminals, dodging all their bullets and vanquishing them with his bare hands.

PRO: The exception to the foolishness of the fetish summarized above is the early development of Edward Nygma (AKA the Riddler). Making the pre-Riddler E. Nygma a forensic technician for the Gotham Police may just have been a stroke of genius. Some might even find him likeable, in a nerd/loser way. The writers/directors have built for themselves an opportunity here to mold a very solid, credible villain via a patient character arc.

CON: Alfred is now a British SpecOps vet. Really? Facepalm. He’s a butler, okay?

Ooh, scary! Another Hollywod badass.
Ooh, scary! Another Hollywod badass.

CON: Selena Kyle (AKA Catwoman) is a child, who personally meets and befriends the child Bruce Wayne many years before they grow up to have a kinky love/hate cat/mouse (flying mouse, that is) relationship in masks and tights. Holy overused plot gimmick, Batman. And of course at 12 years old (or whatever) “Cat” is a badass streetwise thug-with-a-heart-of-gold who pulls little Brucie’s fat out of the fire any time the writers can dream up an excuse to contrive it. Oh yeah, both of them also know the young girl who will grow up to become Poison Ivy. Holy ho-hum.

Now here's a villainess to wrap your arms around.
Now here’s a villainess to wrap your arms around.

CON: Maybe you’ve noticed we’re missing something. Where are all the sympathetic sodomites? Are the cultural svengalis slipping? Ah, never fear: no less than James Gordon’s future wife (and future mother of Batgirl) is now AC/DC. Her erstwhile rug-munching buddy is one of only two honest cops on the Gotham PD when Jim Gordon joins the force. Hmm. I’m not sure they went far enough–maybe she should be a war hero, too. There’s all sorts of potential checkboxes to choose from in the Perversion Peddling Playbook.

The cultural svengalis are in lock step and their Narrative is as predictable, ultimately, as how any given post-season will end for the Minnesota Vikings. They may lull you into complacency with some good writing, good acting, good whatever for a while, but only so they can sucker-punch you once your guard is down..

The Flash on Netflix

Smallville paved the way for Arrow, and The Flash spun off from that. If you noticed that Smallville became increasingly ridiculous and unimaginative after Season One, you might suspect that the same writers are churning out episode teleplays for the spinoffs.

The Flash TV series is not without its assets, on display here.
The Flash TV series is not without its assets, on display here.

The Flash does have something going for it–namely special effects and an 8+ babe in the regular cast.

Unfortunately the directing does not raise the bar for superhero adaptations. So many times the Flash is shown moving at super-speed, but repeatedly the actor is instructed to stand around and wait to get punched or shot or zapped when the script calls for a reversal or increase in dramatic tension. This is much harder to forgive in live-action than it is in the panels of a comic book.

Also, Barry Allen, as depicted, couldn’t fight his way out of a paper bag.

The first few episodes suffered from overacting and desperately over-dramatic writing. The actors and writers settled down a little after a while, but it became painfully obvious soon thereafter that this is just another example of a comic book stalwart being hijacked by SJWs and transformed into just another chapter of The Narrative.

Here are two factors that were final nails in the coffin for me:

The Obligatory Sympathetic Homosexual Character

This time they made him a police captain. The creative team are simply/dutifully following Step 1 and 4 of “The Overhauling of Straight America.” (The other steps have been followed so religiously that the cultural svengalis can just maintain The Narrative now–it’s already been programmed into Millenials, Gen X, Gen Y and most Baby Boomers.)

The Obligatory Amazon Superninja

One of the villains (I can’t recall his moniker) could turn his entire body into iron or something. He was a very similar character to comic book villains like the Sandman, Clayface, the Molten Man, etc. In this series the Flash is a lousy fighter and gets his butt handed to flashgreenarrowhim by nearly every opponent (except Green Arrow–Barry Allen suddenly and mysteriously knows how to fight using his super-speed when a feud between him and Oliver Queen is contrived). The Iron Baddie is no exception–always able to transform into iron faster than the Flash can move.

The diversity-by-the-numbers team at Star Labs (Hispanic scientist; female scientist; ostensibly handicapped evil genius white male scientist) tap their keyboards a few times and decide that the way to take out Iron Baddie is for Flash to deliver a punch while running faster than he’s ever run before.

So our hero gets a running start and tops out at like 800 MPH before

This is Hollywood's vision of a badass ultimate fighter.
This is Hollywood’s vision of a badass ultimate fighter.

nailing Iron Baddie right on the button. Iron Baddie recovers and comes right back at the Crimson Chump the Scarlet Speedster. Ah, but never fear: the aforementioned 8+ babe (Iris West) steps in and knocks him out with one punch. She has no superpowers (unless you count hypergamy) but is obviously superior to ANY man, even the superpowered ones. Because vagina.

Need I waste more verbiage on this series?

Superheroes and “The Narrative”

Just what is “The Narrative,” you ask?

The Narrative is a conglomeration of messages rammed down our throats by government, academia, every medium of pop culture, and the blue pill sheeple who orient their worldview according to what those sources tell them.

The human mind is the most incredible computer the world has seen; yet the most powerful computer is only as smart as the data that is fed to it.


The Narrative comprises all the data that the cultural programmers deem acceptable for processing by the proletariat. Any data which does not agree with The Narrative is treated like a virus to be isolated and destroyed.

The Narrative is a tool to propagate and reinforce the sheeple’s faith in the elected and unelected criminals who are herding us into a third world police state where cognitive uniformity will eventually be dictated and regulated by the state. The homogenized message is Marxist/cultural Marxist, feminist, environmentalist and sodomiphilic.


More and more surfers of the Manosphere are becoming aware of The Narrative. Roosh V is somebody I haven’t followed all that closely because my impression of him was that he was primarily concerned with sowing wild oats. But he is definitely taking notice of more weighty matters of late. I recently discovered this astute observation about how the defacto ruling class in America is composed of individuals who hate America.

…(A)n individual or idea that is supported by the establishment also hates America, or at least pushes an agenda that will certainly lead to America’s decline. If the mainstream media reports on someone in a favorable light, that person hates America. If they report on a specific public policy in a favorable light, it will lead to America’s destruction. If the mainstream media reports on someone in a negative light, they love America, or at least promotes ideas that would lead to a stronger America.

It really is that simple. Furthermore, you can accurately predict which party a person votes for simply by observing their attitude toward America. (The problem with that is that the GOP is now about 95% Democrats/Marxists who speak with a forked tongue, pretending to love America while they sell her down the river.)


The Manosphere is becoming so vigilant that they sounded the warning about the latest Star Wars movie before it even hit the big screen. They even lampooned the title in the same way Hank or I probably would have (The Farce Awakens).

What the latest George Lucas flick demonstrates is that there is no genre or medium that has not been turned into a tool to push The Narrative. What the Manosphere’s criticisms indicate is that a growing subculture is finally waking up to this.

Know what else people are waking up to?

The soul of a nation is won or lost in the culture a generation or more before the struggle.


Today’s systematic and institutionalized discrimination against thorinawhite heterosexual men, for instance, took nobody by surprise who has been keeping track of pop culture for the last few decades. It is obligatory that heterosexual men are portrayed as inept buffoons in sit-coms; sensitive wimps in rom-coms; abusive cheaters in dramas; serial killers in suspense thrillers; neo-Nazis in political thrillers; and physically second-best in action-adventures. And frankly, you have to hand it to the pop culture svengalis because it takes talent to sell an aspect of The Narrative as oxymoronic as feminism (that women are superior to heterosexual men in every way, yet simultaneously oppressed victims of them).

In all forms of entertainment, people make themselves vulnerable to suggestion because they are prepared to suspend disbelief going in. Especially with TV and movies, mental programming is even more effective than a trained hypnotist would be.

Contrary to the pose struck by the pop culture svengalis and their legions of lemmings, they are not content merely to get their message out there. They must innundate everything, everywhere, with their Narrative. They must infiltrate and spread like cancer (some even call themselves “progressive”). On the feminism front they infiltrate male genres like science fiction and action-adventure; and male mediums like comic books.

The comic book industry exploded in the late 1930s/early 1940s. Its success rode on the back of superhero stories, and the overwhelming majority of the audience was pre-adolescent boys. The age of that audience has increased since WWII, but has remained largely male.

Superficially, a fan of the comic book heroes would assume that the world is a better place than ever right now, with so many characters being adapted to the bSpider-Man, Barack Obamaig and small screen. But they’re being adapted in more ways than format. Pop culture svengalis have been busy subverting the superhero genre into just another gynocentric soapbox. More and more long-time heroes are being retrofitted into the homosexual agenda. Just as in action movies, the female characters are written to be superior in prowess to their male counterparts, and sometimes famous male heroes are just suddenly re-written as females. And when political shots are taken, there is no surprise what direction they come from, either.

So for the next few blog posts I plan to have some fun examining some of the subversions adaptations in recent times. Virtual Pulp has previously blogged about Arrow. Three I have in mind right now are Gotham, The Flash and Daredevil.

Other than that, Happy New Year.


Two Lies That Contribute to Our National Suicide

We live in an age of deception. Several observers have their own opinion on what “the biggest lie” is, or at least “the biggest reason” the constitutional republic we inherited in America is sliding into oblivion.

Simply listing the lies believed in our culture would be an exhausting endeavor that would take perhaps a lifetime. But there are two lies that are widespread and have helped prevent the necessary course correction (for those who actually cherish their freedom and would prefer to keep it) to  avert disaster. Those lies are, in essence, the following:

  1. To win elections, the Republicans must move even further to the left.

  2. A third party is a disastrous proposition. Our only hope for peaceful repair of our republic, our economy, and the American Dream is the G.O.P.

The first lie prevents us from ever having a true choice in elections. It also discourages much of the Republican base from voting at all; and even when the lesser evil does manage to win, there is little change in anything but rhetoric.

The second lie perpetuates the good cop/bad cop political theater of our “two party system”and placates enough ovine individuals in the electorate to ensure our domestic enemies are never exposed, and their political lackeys will never be held accountable for their inevitable treachery.

Even a goose-stepping leftard gets something right every once in a while.
Even a goose-stepping leftard gets something right every once in a while.

It’s too little, too late, but those lies are finally being exposed for what they are to a significant portion of our dumbed-down population.

Even coincidence theorists like Rush Limbaugh and Establishment Judas Goats like National Review are beginning to admit that the Republican Party is in partnership with the Democrats in serving interests that are not the people of the USA, our inalienable rights, or our posterity.

Betrayed AGAIN.
Betrayed AGAIN.

To paraphrase the Who:

Say hello to the new Ryan; he’s the same as the old Boehner.


How many times are “we” going to fall for the same old lies? We elect these “conservative” (whatever that means) candidates to push back against our national suicide, and it invariably turns out they are just tag-teaming with the Democrats. Then armies of apologists come out of the woodwork armed with selective stats, straw man arguments and character assassinations aimed at anyone who truly represents the concerns of the grass roots, to hoodwink us into doing the same thing again, expecting a different result (the definition of insanity).

The normalcy-biased coincidence theorists would have you believe the historical pattern of betrayals is a result of nothing more than well-intentioned buffoonery, that just happens to always result in more power for the state, more damage to our economy, and more infringements on our rights.

More people seem to be waking up to the truth–at least some of the truth. It is too obvious anymore that the Democrats and “Republicans” are both advancing the same agenda, which serves the interests of UN-American elites rather than the law they swear to uphold or the people who foot the bill for their pampered, parasitic lifestyles.


Our would-be masters have counted on our overlapping ignorance and apathy to push us this far, but our ignorance is breaking down. The question is, now that well over 10% of the population is aware that the game is rigged and our government has been hijacked by domestic enemies, is any sort of corrective action going to be taken by the lawful rulers of this country (the people)?


Any way you shake it, options like apathy, complacency and leisure are coming to an end. You’re going to lose your property, your lifestyle and the future you hoped for no matter what. The only question is, will you lay it down voluntarily in sacrifice to something bigger than yourself (as the founders did); or will it be taken from you?

I know what Jefferson’s generation would have done. I know what my grandfather’s generation would have done, faced with the ugly reality of what is exposed before us. The question is, what are you going to do?


Trump’s Trojan Horse?

I can’t deny that Trump has some Big Brass Ones.  Calling for an end to Muslim immigration into the USA is something nobody else has the guts to do, in a culture where nearly everyone with a platform advocates wide-open borders. It’s hard to disagree with him when you examine the “religion of peace” and its practitioners honestly.

However, suppose by some alignment of miracles such a policy were seriously considered.

Assume Trump is legit, and really means what he’s saying. That doesn’t change the fact that 95% of the rich and powerful, and their government bureaucrat minions, refuse to see Muslims as anything but a minority class to be coddled and protected, while believing the REAL threat is posed by Christians, patriots, Constitutionalists, gun owners and veterans.

Assume that some such policy were actually instituted. Assume that our government began cracking down on Muslims. Deporting them, for starters. A move in the right direction, eh?

What you have then is a precedent. One that can be used to crack down on who the criminals in government really hate: Christians.

All it took was a few “deists” among the founding fathers to substitute the weasel word “religion” in the First Amendment in place of “Christian faith” or some equivalent. For generations nobody saw the danger in it and, in fact, it didn’t pose a problem. America was obviously a Christian nation and everyone knew that freedom of “religion” was a safeguard against any particular denomination getting state sanction to control all churches and individuals, like the Church of England had. Every American knew what “religion” meant in the Constitutional context until a couple generations ago.

But thanks to that weasel word (and the tolerant nature of most Christians) we now have Satanists and every other flavor of reprobate turning our culture upside down, rewriting our history, attacking those who protected them for two centuries, and attempting to seduce our children.

It’s a longshot at best that Trump’s proposal would ever be seriously considered by those to whom terrorism and immigration are but tools to help destroy the nation they hate. More likely, this and Trump’s faux pas about New Jerseyites celebrating 9/11 are just the early spasms in his staged self-destruction. But I’m not a psychic, so who knows?

If something miraculous took place and the ban on Muslim immigration happened, it would almost certainly backfire on those advocating it without thinking a few moves ahead.

Who Planned the Planned Parenthood Shooting?

The infanticide business founded by a Nazi eugenicist has endured more scrutiny in the last few months than it has in all its history. Not because of the slaughter of defenseless children, of course, but because they’ve been caught selling the body parts. To a nation of ovine, dumbed-down, pop-culture-programmed serfs, mass murder isn’t anything worth getting your panties in a wad over–at least if it’s a government-approved institution committing the murders. But they made a profit doing it, and that is simply unacceptable, comrade.

How do you rescue the reputation of a scumbag (or an organization of scumbags, in this case) whatever the cause of its low approval numbers?

In the past, the tried-and-true method has been to reinvent the scumbag as a victim.

There are not yet enough known details about the shooting presently being hyped on network news, or the gunman, for me to declare that this is a false flag. Nevertheless, here are some more interesting items to consider:

  • Colorado Springs is the headquarters of Focus on the Family–an influential ministry staunchly opposed to abortion, religiously non-violent, and with a reputation up until now that has proven very difficult to demonize.
  • Colorado Springs is also home to one of the clandestine mind control labs established by unaccountable state-run agencies.
  • Most, if not all, of the perps in these media circus shooting sprees have been on some sort of prescription psychotropic drugs.
  • The Narrative being pushed is NAMALT (Not All Muslims Are Like That)–there is no corrolation between Islam and terrorism (in fact, according to the Fraud-in-Chief, ISIS/ISIL is not Islamic); but it is domestic terrorists who pose the real threat–you know: Christians, Constitutionalists, veterans, the Tea Party…all those guilty of an atrocity worse than any terrorist act: thinking for themselves and questioning The Narrative.
  • Since 1994, the one issue that the ovine, dumbed-down, pop-culture-programmed serfs have shown a modicum of backbone and vigilance about has been in opposing new “gun control” measures.
  • With every new atrocity, a few more ovine, dumbed-down, pop-culture-programmed serfs become willing to accept new infringements on our rights.

It’s also very interesting (if not a bit smelly) that the gunman surrendered after killing one cop but no PP staff. I wonder who the dead cop is and what he knew. And I wonder what the perp is going to reveal to the world about his alleged ideology, assuming he’s allowed to live that long and speak for himself.


There is now some question as to whether the shooter targeted Planned Parenthood, or that the shooting occurred there. Some reports indicate that it took place at Chase Bank. But that would mean the left-wing (“mainstream”) media is purposefully distorting the facts to make them conform to The Narrative and we just KNOW THEY WOULD NEVER DO THAT!


Is NASCAR Selling Out, Too?

I’ve loved football since junior high, but the recent complete assimilation of the NFL into the cultural Marxist Borg has disgusted me to the point that the Superbowl is the only game I’ll watch…if that.

NASCAR has been a refreshing holdout against the leftward stampede of formerly American-and-proud-of-it entertainment endeavors. It’s not unusual for a patriotic flyover to occur before a race, or for the pre-race prayer to invoke the name of Jesus. But there’s a disturbing development in recent weeks.

I’m not referring to “The Chase,” which is understandable from a marketing standpoint (maintaining excitement by raising the stakes for the last several races in the Cup Series), though it is arguably unfair to drivers like Kevin Harvick (who has dominated consistently this season, but whose cumulative accomplishments could all be obliterated by two or three bad luck weekends in a row). I’m also not referring to NASCAR’s recent initiative to introduce “diversity” into a milleu that has always (and still) attracts mostly cocky heterosexual males. Yeah, yeah, nearly all of them are caucasian, too, whatever you want to make of that.

One of the instances where Joey Logano or his teammate have wrecked Matt Kenseth. At Kansas they crashed him out of 1st place and out of championship contention.
One of the instances where Joey Logano or his teammate have wrecked Matt Kenseth. At Kansas they crashed him out of 1st place in that race and out of championship contention in the 2015 Sprint Cup Chase.

What worries me is that NASCAR has shut down the comment threads in their online forums. This is something that the “mainstream” (left-wing) online news organizations have begun doing lately.

It’s understandable that the propaganda ministry of the deep state Establishment legacy news networks would want to eliminate free expression: every so often, someone capable of independent thought infiltrates their online echo chambers and casts doubt on the Approved Narrative by calling out the lapdog press for their lies, distortions, bias and selective reporting.

It doesn’t make as much sense for a racing organization to gag the fans. It’s in their interest to listen to the fans, and give them what they want when possible. Isn’t that the rationale behind The Chase, after all?

Revenge or parts failure? Either way, Logano probably got what was coming to him.
Revenge or parts failure? Either way, Logano probably got what was coming to him.

NASCAR’s motivation doesn’t seem to be political…at least in the traditional sense. More likely, it is because fans are pissed off about the blatant favoritism shown to Joey Logano, the double standard imposed on Matt Kenseth, and their collective outrage is something the suits don’t want to deal with.

Whatever the reason, this is a disturbing development. If NASCAR does become yet another tool for Social Justice Convergence (imagine drivers compelled to wear pink high heels for breast cancer awareness or rainbow Nomex suits for “gay pride day”), dissent is already hindered.

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