It appears that Donald Trump was the Denny Green of populist Presidents. It was first and goal with the game on the line and just a few seconds to spare…and he had the quarterback take a knee to run out the clock and end regulation.
So much of what has happened recently doesn’t add up. I’m going by just what I see and know, because it’s nearly impossible to get accurate information. Nobody with power or influence in this diseased world can be trusted. So the lack of accurate information will only get worse as we go.
It should be obvious from all my blogging that I’ve never been a Trump groupie with fantasies about him becoming my “god emperor.” My loyalty to Trump was contingent upon his loyalty to America. I would support him so long as he fought for America.

For those whose faith was in Trump, hopefully you’ve learned your lesson about placing your faith in a human being. Regretfully, many will not learn the lesson. They’ll eventually get what they deserve, probably–in this life or the next.
Yes, I understand that Trump surrounded himself with treacherous individuals who worked against him at every turn. Not a valid excuse. He had tools at his disposal to stop the impending death blow to our country. He didn’t use them.
Our constitutional republic has now been revealed to be a myth, along with rule of law, representation, and justice. Our freedom is next on the agenda. Ironically, America now actually has been reduced to just an idea. The idea may live on in some of us for a while. Who knows? My faith wasn’t in America, because America is run by people. My faith is in God. I wanted Him to save America–restore its potential; put it back under the stewardship of people who follow Him. Looks like that was not meant to be–at least not without a bloodbath like we haven’t seen in 80 years to decide what sort of people will govern here.
It appears that President Bumpstock Ban either lost his nerve, was compromised, or was really an agent of GloboHomo all along. He has done to the USA what he did to the USFL. He has handed over the levers of power to a Cabal hell-bent on hunting down and destroying every last one of his supporters. And why the hell did he invite us to Washington, only to give a lame speech and tell his supporters to go home? What was accomplished–aside from scaring some traitors in Congress while simultaneously giving them a “riot” or “insurrection” narrative to run with? All the strange behavior, the Q narrative, plus last minute appointments/replacements, maneuvers, orders, and other wierdness since November 3rd appear to be just part of a smokescreen–stringing us along so that we would be even more devastated for daring to hope that the good guys might finally fight for us. Or that there are any good guys. The cruelty needed to do that is beyond reprehensible. The joke is on We the People. Only truly evil scum are laughing.
It appears it’s down to us, now. The fate of America rests on our shoulders. A lot of us already believed this before 2016. Now we’re four years older and it’s time to restore our mindset to what it was then.
Disclaimer: there’s a lot that I don’t know. I’ll be delighted to eat my words if, days or weeks or months after the Big Game has been lost, white hats show up and manage to resume regulation play with some Hail Mary master plan that miraculously results in ex post facto victory.