Book Hype Backfires in the Culture War

I’ve been traveling recently and wanted some audiobooks to listen to. I canceled my Audible subscription years ago, and don’t really want to renew it. I like the idea of a Kobo audiobook subscription because one phone app reads ebooks AND plays audiobooks.

So I’ve been perusing Kobo’s store looking for something worthwhile. The first observation to be made is how formulaic and boring the blurbs are, for just about every book. When a book has a blurb that’s not competent or interesting, I lose confidence that the book itself will be competent or interesting.

The next observation I made was my own reaction to the accolades quoted in the product descriptions. Rave reviews from some NPC at the Washington Compost are supposed to impress me, but actually have the opposite effect. It’s safe to assume no book will ever again be well received by any of the legacy rags if it doesn’t conform to The Narrative and faithfully push the Overton Window further left.

Making the New York Slimes Bestseller list usually gives me the same general warning about the book, and “best seller” is often a dubious title as far as this particular distinction goes.

In the landscape of this culture war, if the “mainstream” pop culture svengalis love your work…you’re part of the problem. In fact, if your work doesn’t piss off the commies (and even some of the “moderates”), you’re doing something wrong.

That’s where we’re at.

Socialism and Satanism

We live in an age when the young people living in this country believe socialism is a great idea. Of course, this proves that the Indoctrination Industry (including Public Education) has succeeded in fomenting and enforcing widespread ignorance. It should also scare the hell out of you. What happens when there aren’t enough Americans left to prevent them from completing the Fundamental Transformation?

“…So that we would not be outwitted by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his designs.” – 2 Corinthians 2:11

If you believe what is taught in the Bible, then you know that a person doesn’t have to be an overt devil-worshiper to be a tool of the devil, or to wind up in Hell. Jesus said those who are not with Him are against Him (Matthew 12:30). So those who do not consciously choose to follow the Son of God automatically default to the side that is against Him–and you know who is in charge on that side of the aisle. Pretty simple.

It’s been easy to notice that Marxists (whether they are called socialists, progressives, Democrats, or “liberals”) speak and behave a lot like their Default Daddy. What’s surprising as how many of them, dating back to Marx himself (and beyond) intentionally worshiped the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4) and consciously did his bidding in the system they devised.

Twenty years ago some of you scoffed when “paranoid conspiracy whackos” like me warned you that the garbage going on right now was coming to our country. Please get informed while you still can. The clues as to what kind of world our children will inherit are all around you.

I only discovered “Edge of Wonder” recently. Don’t know much about them yet, other than that they dispense some good information. If you haven’t accepted the reality of what we’re up against, from anyone else, maybe their delivery will be more palatable to you.

What Will You Do Once Big Tech Gags You?

For some time now I’ve wanted to build Virtual Pulp’s own online bookstore (rather than just pages of affiliate links). At least with our own cyber-needle in the online haystack, there’s a chance people could find our books once we’re censored off other platforms (until the money-changers also get into the act). But that’s just a measure that could benefit VP.

If people like us hope to continue selling books after Big Tech does what they are proving to us they fully intend to do, we need to throw in with each other and build a platform that they can’t control, with servers they can’t shut down, hosting they can’t deny, and payment methods they can’t yank out from under us.

How many more of our allies do we need to see censored, deplatformed, or demonetized before we accept that this is necessary? Necessary enough to start making it happen?

If somebody on our side had the skills to build a Paypal alternative, for instance, we could all start using it right away, but it wouldn’t have to compete with Paypal. By that I mean it’s doubtful it could seize a big chunk of the marketshare right away…but we wouldn’t have to try. When authors (and others) find themselves stripped of the ability to express their ideas (and/or feed their families) they will suddenly be motivated to recognize the situation and find a payment engine that is not converged. If we have our own established before it becomes impossible to establish, then no advertising is necessary–all they need to know is that it exists. (Of course that highlights the need for non-converged search engines.)

I’m neither a business savant nor a software engineer, but I know there are plenty of them out there who are not rabid cultural Marxists, and could help us make this happen. The most daunting obstacle to an enterprise like this is, as some of you know, herding the cats. Could we muster a little bit of solidarity for long enough to work toward a long-term safeguard that is desperately needed by all of us who think for ourselves? Could enough of us overcome our normalcy bias and stop chanting, “It can’t happen here! It can’t happen here!” to open our eyes and see that it is, in fact, happening here and we need to act fast?

Castalia House has begun making some preparations along these lines, and Virtual Pulp has backed some of their endeavors. But when it comes to selling books, most of their efforts have been focused on their own preservation, which is understandable. They are not responsible for rescuing anybody outside the walls of their own tent.

I hope to start working on the VP store this summer, and perhaps further down the road we will welcome other authors into our brand, if they want to join us and write the sort of stuff we want to publish. But the problem–and the solution needed–is of a scope that dwarfs Virtual Pulp (and Castalia House, Superversive, etc.) and anything we can accomplish by ourselves…by orders of magnitude.

For what it’s worth, I’m willing to participate in such an endeavor in any capacity I can be helpful.

How long are you going to balk at taking action–until it’s too late?

How do you assume this is going to be resolved? Maybe the power of your positive thinking will miraculously transform reality into a world where you won’t have to make sacrifices or run the risk of offending somebody. Maybe the likes of Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney and Mitch McConnell will ride to your rescue so you won’t have to lift a finger.

If you believed any of that, you probably wouldn’t have read this far. So what do you think?

Apalling Stories II – a Review

I haven’t read the first Apalling Stories, but do intend to rectify that.

This is an anthology of short speculative fiction, all linked thematically by the insanity of political correctness and so-called “social justice.” Some of them are set off-world, some take place in Earth’s future, while others are pretty close to the space-time you and I occupy.

An argument could be made that some of the stories are depressing–like classic episodes of The Twilight Zone. At the same time, there’s no denying a significant element of gratification derives from following the character arc of the SJWs who outsmart themselves, feed on each other, and otherwise are hoisted on their own petards. It’s immensely frustrating to exist in this reality wherein the wicked prosper…where there seems to be no limit to their stupidity, depravity, or hypocrisy…yet never suffer the consequences of same. And the “champions” of our side either cower in the face of evil, or betray us outright.

Each story is well-written, by authors including the newest addition to the Virtual Pulp blog lineup, Paul Hair.

One age-old purpose of fiction is to present alternatives or possibilities–how it could be in a better world. Apalling Stories 2 shows us (often with delightful irony) what it might look like if “social justice” vermin experienced actual justice.

Alt Hero #5 – A Review

We are back stateside, and the nationalist superteam has decided they need to win hearts and minds by fighting crime. Hammer and Rebel are teamed up on patrol to keep the streets safe.

But a couple of super-powered folks arrive from Europe to track them down and either kill or capture them. Their job is made easier when Hammer and Rebel, looking for criminals, are accosted by a cop instead. The vampire chick is surprised at how easy it is to take them out. Frankly, I am too…as well as disappointed.

But the tension continues to build, and the artwork has improved again. There’s an interesting story arc taking shape–and building (I hope) towards an epic showdown between the European and American superteams.

Get Alt Hero 5 here.

Read the review of Alt Hero 4.

Political Theater and the Book Business

New Virtual Pulper Paul Hair interviewed me about “conservatives,” the culture war, and my books. Here’s part of it:

 HiT: Why’d you write The Retreads series and what’s it about without giving away too much of the plot(s)?

Brown: I didn’t anticipate making it a series, initially.

Between 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq, I had considered going back into uniform, but my knees and back were pretty well FUBARed from before, and my tolerance for Dumb S**t had shrunken considerably.

My subconscious mind must have been invested in the idea, though, because I often dreamed about being back in the Airborne.

One dream (not quite a nightmare) featured a fairly vivid firefight. I built a story around that scene and eventually titled the resulting novel “Hell and Gone.”

It’s about a team of Gulf War One veterans on a mission to recapture a tactical nuke. I didn’t know how common that “stolen nuke” plot was, or would become. I chose it, and many other elements of the story, based on unclassified intelligence reports I was privy to at the time.

For years, no agent or editor would read it. In 2010, I decided to take advantage of the digital revolution and outflank the New York Publishing Cartel altogether.

You can read the entire interview (it’s very brief) over at Hollywood in Toto. They’ve got some other good stuff there, too.