
This presentation was made to the Georgia Senate today. The video is broken into multiple clips. You should scroll down and play them all.

BREAKING: Irrefutable [?] evidence presented by expert witnesses from the GA hearing showing that [based on the data that was provided and used on election night] votes were removed and/or flipped from Trump to Biden. You NEED to watch and share this entire presentation.

Meanwhile: Georgia Voting Machines are Connecting to Internet AS VOTING HAPPENS.

There’s not one person with a functioning brain, who is honest enough to have looked at the evidence, who believes Biden got more votes than Trump, so why is this necessary? I suppose it’s to remove any excuse or protest of ignorance by the Georgia Senate. The election was stolen, and they were shown that it was stolen.

I fully expect them to deny the truth, anyway. Our President is standing up for America as best he knows how. But nearly everyone else is selling us out, and lying about it to our faces.

Here’s the current state of the Union:

  • “Representatives” are getting paid to ignore the desires of their constituents.
  • The FBI (and other law enforcement) are getting paid to protect lawbreakers and persecute the law-abiding.
  • The courts exist to deny justice to the people.
  • Election officials exist to ensure citizens’ votes are stolen, switched, or canceled out.

In my experience, the M16/AR15 is one of the least dependable battle rifles ever manufactured. Yet it is far more dependable than any of the individuals or institutions that are supposed to protect us, at this stage of the game.

If you know what I mean.


Chi-Com Mart Wal-Mart (which has previously shown its true colors by lobbying Washington to infringe on our right to bear arms, and has worked to destroy both American manufacturing and their own domestic retailer competition, AND WHOSE PROFITS HAVE SKYROCKETED BECAUSE OF COVID1984) is now using the “sore loser” hashtag on Twatter to rub our faces in Grand Theft Election. Just shut up and accept it, peasants.

How many of you have the intelligence, survival instincts, and ability to delay gratification needed to stop feeding the Beast?

#stopthesteal #stopfeedingthebeast

An Honest Situation Report With No Apologies

Here’s a comment I made on American Partisan. I’m reposting here because why not?

Of course, I’m simply speaking with figurative hyperbole here:

Here’s a couple of truths that few people (whatever their political convictions) will acknowledge:

1. Both major parties are actively working toward the destruction of the republic. One of those parties simply pretends to not be.

2. Marxists (whether they call themselves “liberal,” “moderate,” or some other deceptive and self-aggrandizing term) place no value on honesty, and are incapable of changing their minds after being presented evidence.

“True” and “false” don’t have the same meaning for them as they have for you. The only value they even see in the words is their power over the proles (who are almost begging to be hoodwinked, and will march obediently into the boxcars as long as the right word games are played. “Truth,” in Newspeak, means “whatever advances Marxism.” “Lie” in Newspeak means “whatever hinders Marxism.” Orwell warned us about them. Look at the way they’ve used the words “treason” and “patriotism” for the last four years. That’s just a logical extension of what they had already done to words like liberal, choice, rights, gay, violence, fascism, etc.

You can show them footage of the Bidens sodomizing a six-year old boy…in their hearts, they would approve, or at least be able to justify it. Through their mouths, they would deny it happened, knowing too many of the proles would still be shocked and disgusted if they found out.

These people approve the theft of the election. It is legitimate, because it advances Marxism. Case closed. But they must deny that theft took place, lest some of the proles wake up. They have no intention of admitting what they are, what they’ve done, or all they hope to do, until it’s too late to resist them.

However, these people do respect force, and pain. That language they speak fluently. And most of them can’t take it nearly as well as they dish it out. Using words to argue with them is utterly pointless, unless there’s a chance some prole could be awakened by hearing the argument.

Letting them infiltrate and take over our institutions was suicidal. They will have to be removed by whatever means necessary. After kickoff, we need to be just as brutal as they have been during the pregame.

No–I take that back. We should be even more brutal than they are–because they understand force and pain, but little else. They attack with a knife? We retaliate with a shotgun. They launch fireworks with nails at us? We hit them with napalm. They shoot at us with 9mm? We return fire with 20mm. This can’t be a “police action” or some lame attempt at a “gentleman’s conflict” wherein we’re more worried about hurting somebody than we are about winning. Nuke ’em ’till they glow, then shoot ’em in the dark. We don’t want or need any William Westmorelands or David McKiernans–we need some Ghengis Khans and William T. Shermans.

We didn’t ask for this war. We did all we could to avoid it. Guess how much I care about any objections they may voice about how we fight it.

Evil and Corruption Are Everywhere, at Every Level

Everything for the last year has been about the election–the riots; the scamdemic; the endless screeching about “systemic racism”…and so are nearly all my posts these days. In all honesty, I will likely keep blogging about the election until after we’ve begun the next act of this current Brinksmanship Play.

The American Thinker had some savvy commentary (we say “deep state”; they say “dark state”; let’s call the whole thing off):

 As soon as Trump was elected president in 2016, the dark state realized that it had blundered. Its members had underestimated the degree of fraud it would need to defeat him. This time, they removed all possibility of failure, and even then, they needed vastly more fraud than even they had anticipated. Stuffing the ballot boxes was not enough; they had to call time out, for a few hours, so they could print yet more ballots. Indeed, they printed so many more that the sheer number of them made it obvious that they were cheating.

One might think they overplayed their hand, that they had used a sledgehammer to swat a mosquito. In doing so, they removed all reasonable doubt — the election was clearly rigged. But the dark state was so desperate that its operatives cared nothing for how it seems to the informed observer. Nothing. They just had to make absolutely sure that there would be no way that Donald Trump would be declared the winner.

The culprits were not merely the usual suspects — the Adam Schiffs and Eric Swalwells and their ilk. As profoundly and obviously corrupt as they are, they are weak. They could not have pulled this off without some heavyweight criminals in high places, including the courts, the premier law enforcement agencies, the intelligence bureaus, and the private sector communications companies.

Let’s not forget the backstabbing traitors and cowards who call themselves “Republicans.” We’re gonna need some sturdy gallows that are built for prolific use.

Worth reading the whole deal if you have time.

I know there are a lot of dudes out there loading magazines, getting your gear staged, and sharpening knives. You know a day is coming soon when the time for talking about how we got here is done. Then, only historians will find debating about the stolen election worthwhile. We’re not quite there, yet. But for all I know, we might be by the time you read this.

Proof of Election Fraud Even a Judge Can Understand

Not sure how long before CommieTube takes this video down. We should all archive it. (Not sure how I’ll share it, though. Something went haywire with my DTube account, and apparently now Bitchute has made a deal with the devil and the Thought Cops have targeted my new channel there.) So watch it quick, while you can.

This sounds like a pretty simple process. Some of the vote riggers have been destroying envelopes and ballots (a federal crime) to avoid this kind of scrutiny; but the fraud was so massive this time, there’s probably still more than enough evidence left .

The problem with this, of course, is that the evidence would have to be presented in a court to have any effect in the so-called “justice” system. But the highest court in the land is corrupt and effectively in on the steal. So far as I can tell, every inferior court is, too.

Cry havoc, or #stopthesteal.

What Is Relevant In the Great Reset/New Normal?

It’s not exactly what the Deep State traitors, their useful idiots, or your garden-variety “conservatives” think it will be.

If Grand Theft Election is allowed to stand, the following will NOT be relevant anymore:

  • Future elections.
  • Lockdowns and mask mandates.
  • Any governor’s order.
  • Beijing Biden’s cabinet picks.
  • Whether the Supreme Court is stacked or not.
  • The Supreme Court itself.
  • Congress.
  • Republican vs. Democrat platforms (like many items on this list, you could argue this is already the case).
  • Most political discourse.
  • Social Security/Medicare.
  • The minimum wage.
  • The stock market.
  • Government budgets.
  • Tax rates.
  • Badges, and those who wear them.
  • Laws, codes, and statutes.
  • The federal Constitution, and state Constitutions.
  • Gun regulations (going back to 1934; and earlier).
  • Accusations of racism, fascism, etc.
  • Afghanistan.
  • Ukraine.
  • North Korea.
  • Sports.
  • Entertainment.
  • The latest smartphone or other gadget.

That’s just a quick list of stuff we won’t need to worry about anymore. There is no law. There is no justice. There is no justification for taxes. There is no Bill of Rights. There is no protection of your liberty. There is no cavalry. There is almost nothing left to lose. That will become obvious very quickly to intelligent people. Hopefully quickly enough.

Here is what is about to become extremely relevant in the near future–possibly overnight:

  • Water.
  • Food.
  • Medical supplies and knowledge.
  • Ammunition.
  • Accuracy.
  • Firepower.
  • Cover and concealment.
  • The hasty ambush.
  • Fire and maneuver.
  • Small unit tactics.
  • Friends and neighbors you can trust.
  • Mental toughness.
  • Ruthlessness.
  • Mobility.

As many of us suspected, the Supreme Court appears to have no interest in doing its job–including those worthless conservative justices appointed by Trump who were really gonna fix half a century of judicial activism. I have even less faith in the “Republicans” who have the ability to #stopthesteal. Look at Georgia–that’s likely what we can expect from them. They will do what they do best: sell us out.

That pretty much leaves it up to Trump. Will he pull the trigger on the Insurrection Act? There’s almost no other option left. I never thought I’d be here, but I believe that’s now the best chance to actually stop (or slow) the destruction of our country. Most of the people receiving a government paycheck should be removed, jailed, and some hung for treason. That goes for those in Big Tech, the mainstream media, woke corporations, academia, and most institutions.

If the President goes that route, will we still have a republic when the smoke clears? That’s a risk; and that’s why I’ve dreaded this moment for a long time. That’s why I’ve done what little I could to keep us from getting here, and tried to convince others to do the same.

Freedom has never been this close to extinction in any of our lifetimes. Not just for Americans–for people all around the world.

Of course the optics will be abysmal. (I’ve long wondered if the Executive Branch, using national emergency powers, would black out the enemy propaganda networks to break their hypnotic hold on the ovine masses. Scary, yes–but probably necessary).

The President has been called “dictator” and “literally Hitler” for four years, so really, what’s he got to lose? The lines are pretty much drawn and not many people are going to change sides. Hell–there are a lot of ignorant loudmouths wishing he does become a dictator. It’s a risk; and (for him) a temptation if he invokes the Insurrection Act. But honestly, I’d rather him pull the trigger than not, at this point.

If he doesn’t, our freedom is definitely gone. If he does, there’s at least a chance.

There’s a lot I don’t know. I don’t have a Top Secret clearance. If I did, I wouldn’t be blogging. So take my warning with however much salt you think is appropriate:

Time is almost up. Get yourself squared away.

We Ain’t Gonna Take It

I had this song in mind when I wrote the last post. Turns out, somebody with more time on their hands than me right now set it to image.

Honestly, I don’t see a resolution of the current mess without some level of violence. I’m not just referring to the rigged election, either. That’s just one (very serious) symptom. I mean the source of our national illness and all the other symptoms. The scale of violence could very well depend on our decisiveness, and willingness to do what needs to be done. Are we gonna try to appease, and do just enough to prolong the suffering, as in Vietnam? Or are we willing to be as remorseless (or more so) as the enemy, like in the South Pacific?

We’re Not Gonna Take It Any More

#StopTheSteal. It’s about time we reminded everyone of who has the legitimate authority in the United States of America: We the People.

The people rule.

The people are Caesar.

The law applies to everyone, or it applies to nobody.

It’s easy to get discouraged, when you listen to the sellouts, cowards, and professional traitors of Conservative, Inc., who we are constantly told we must follow. But you are not alone. There are a lot of patriots who are wide awake and understand what is at stake.

Remember: God would have spared Sodom if there were only 10 good men He could find there. There are a whole lot more than 10 good men in America–even in urban cesspools like Chicago and Los Angeles.