Coming Soon: Robert Victor Mills’ Isle of the Shrine of the Sickening Scarab

Got a couple treats coming up for you from guest poster IINFAMOUS REVIEWER GIO Probably next week, you’ll see the review right here–followed by an interview with the author.

Gio calls this a legendary tale in the tradition of Robert E. Howard.

Sounds like this book is a standout, five star read, so start the New Year off right and come back to check it out!

The State of Online Writer/Author Spaces

I quit Farceborg and Twatter cold turkey circa 2013. Never got rid of the Twatter account. Had to dust it off when a friend gave me a lead on a possible artist for a graphic novel project. So I got back on and was surprised to discover there’s some right-wingers tweeting over there. Also a whole lot of authors and some readers.

There must be dozens of writers who host #shamelessselfpromotion threads there. Every single day, it turns out. At first I jumped on, because I could always use new readers, especially for my new series. Now it’s dawning on me that there probably aren’t any readers/buyers who look at any of those threads. It’s like most other thirsty writer spaces–a bunch of tryhards pimping their wares without even reading what others post.

It’s one heck of a reader-friendly market out there. Unfortunately, most of the literature out there is mediocre or worse, written by tradpub wannabes/imitators. And authors seem to outnumber readers by maybe 5-to-1.

I had a group on MeWe but didn’t have the time (or personality) to manage it, and it became one of those shooting galleries for thirsty authors. A ghost town where everybody self-promotes but nobody reads, responds, or even clicks “like” buttons. I didn’t want to have a bunch of rules or be the content cop, but human nature being what it is, I guess that’s what you have to do if you want a quality space with interest, engagement, value, etc.

The book-related groups on Gab (that I’m still a member of) are mostly the same–no conversations, no sharing, just thirsty authors shooting their full auto promotion guns into the ghost town.

In conclusion…just kidding–I don’t have a coherent conclusion.

I suspect a lot of us are Generation X, and even though we are on “social” media, we just can’t overcome our survivalist “look out for #1” mindset.  We’re not networking, or “building relationships,” we’re fishing. And we’ve depleted the fishing hole’s already-shrinking population of literate consumers by inundating them with bait and lures. I guess.

Too bad, It would be nice to have those conversations and take a break from the sellsellsell! mania.

When the Bullets Fly, How Will the Swamp Media Spin It?

The sponsors of the invasion at America’s border aren’t even trying all that hard to conceal their intentions anymore. The military-age male invaders are bringing weapons across openly, in broad daylight, knowing nothing will be done to stop them.

The last, most daunting obstacle to enslaving the American people is that we’re armed. Before the coup de grace can be executed to finish our fundamental transformation, a strategy must be devised to defeat an armed population. Efforts to disarm us have progressed considerably since the Prohibition era, but haven’t completely succeeded in most of the country. Maybe 70-90 million people in the US keep and bear arms. If even 3-10% of them decide to actively resist the Great Reset, our would-be overlords will have their hands full trying  to subjugate all of us. So how do you deal with that threat?

Looks like the Cabal has decided to import and prepare (all at their intended victims’ expense, of course) a foreign army to make war on us. Cabal stooges are already revealing their plans to install the invaders as police and soldiers. “Defund the police” initiatives were one tactic herding us toward that mission objective. The Cold Civil War probably won’t turn hot until the Cabal is confident their invaders are sufficiently trained (and armed/equipped/organized) to shoot it out with the American people and prevail.

Lack of critical thinking in our dumbed-down population, public incredulity, and Swamp Media gaslighting, prevent most people from understanding what is going on all around them. But what will the Ministry of Propaganda do when the shooting starts? They won’t be able to deceive people about it anymore, right?


The Cabal needs as many of us as possible to sit on our hands “trusting the plan” or whatever until the invaders have locked down the initiative and secured crucial objectives. The reporting might go something like this:

“Crazed white supremacist militias (we told you those right-wingers were hateful and dangerous!) have organized nationwide in an ethnic cleansing campaign to rid the country of all non-white people! Oppressed, marginalized communities have no choice but to fight back. With the help of our heroic troops and police, the domestic terrorist forces are being split, enveloped, and neutralized in separate firefights across the country. If someone you know might be a right-winger, call this hotline.”

Even if, by some miracle, we could repeat 2016 and overcome the election rigging in ’24, a hostile foreign army will obey its masters, no matter who is in the White House, They are even less beholden to the Constitution than the criminals and traitors running our government now.

The State of Comic Book Fan Media

According to Vox Day, the cultural Marxist Thought Cops are now taking over  BIC (Bounding Into Comics) too. News to me, though I should have expected it.

Anyway, a new online entertainment magazine has already stepped in to receive the baton.

First off, BIC was never a right-wing, right-leaning or culturally consoivative site to begin with. As mainstream comics became increasingly feminized and sodomized, BIC always struck me as firmly in the “not that there’s anything wrong with that” camp.  So I can’t even say that once they, too, are completely pozzed, it would be 180 degrees off from their founding principles (like I even know what those were). Will they begin gushing over comics that suck? To the extent they even cover comics: yeah, probably. More on that soon.

I went over to Fandom Pulse and looked around. What I found was in sync with online comics media and forums I’m familiar with.  I follow the BIC group on MeWe, a more Big Tent comics fan group on Gab (that I haven’t managed to get kicked off of, yet), read the Arkhaven blog regularly, and have BIC and Bleeding Fool bookmarked in a browser. This has been part of my status quo for a couple few years now. In case it is not for you, breaking story:

They hardly have any comic-related content.

Visit any of these sites and you will find all kinds of posts about manga, movies and toys, but not much at all about comics. After pondering this over a glass of wine at the country club (not really, but it makes me sound more sophisticated, don’t it?), I concocted a theory. The theory has two major components/exhibits.

Exhibit A: Mainstream comics/the Big Two are in a flaming death spiral, due to abysmal writing and utter depravity. Bloggers could fisk and critique DC/Marvel’s latest abominations on a regular basis, but that’s like asking them to spend their life sniffing turds and reporting on what they smell.

Why not write articles about the indie comics and graphic novels being produced? There’s decent work out there.

Exhibit B: From what I can tell, current SEO doctrine dictates that websites must generate scads and scads of content. (Please note my courageous stand here at VP that defies SEO doctrine.) From my brief perusal of Fandom Pulse, I can tell Supply Side Content Creation is their guiding philosophy, too. Content, content, content! More content! There’s just not enough sequential art being produced they can write articles about to meet this mad demand for 500-word articles.

Where is that demand coming from–the fans or the editors? That’s a question worth asking IMO. As somebody who loved comics as a kid and is stumbling toward creating some original graphic novels of his own, and is still interested in the medium and whatever good sequential art can still be found, I would rather read one or two relevant articles a day about comics/graphic novels than 50 articles a day about Hollywood inside baseball, action figures, videogames, film adaptations, and Bob Iger’s most recent brainfart.

But, as often is the case, my reasoning is much, much different than the prevailing wisdom.