Will Some States Secede?

Ron Paul spoke about this on C-SPAN.

It’s unlikely many drones in our dumbed-down culture have any clue what secession even means. And they’re distrustful of anyone with a vocabulary of multisyllable words. “TV say them people bad. Them racist.”

Paul updated his thoughts on secession during an appearance on C-Span today, noting how “The founders believed in it, there’s no prohibition in the Constitution against secession,” adding that the union was voluntary and therefore secession was also voluntary under the tenth amendment.

“They want to put them on a list that they’re committing treason, put them in prison or throw them out of the country – what about the First Amendment,” asked Paul in response to calls by some on the left to have pro-secessionists deported.

Lemme get this straight:

We should let into this country billions who hate it, untold numbers of whom are terror cells  like the one that recently attempted an attack in Texas, and they should be given a free ride at taxpayer expense and vote in our elections while plotting our overthrow. And anyone who takes issue with this policy is racist. But when those taxpayers express the desire to peacefully break away from the renegade public servants who are criminally dragging us down to the abyss, well, that is “treasonous.”

Given their indifference to the acts of William Jefferson Blythe Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama, it’s surprising they would pretend to even know what treason is.

Paul thinks there will be a de facto secession. Maybe he gives us too much credit.


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